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28 Day SHRED Project

28 shred program
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This is an exclusive! You should all know the rules – don’t leak it!Group Buy Page Buy Status ClosedSales Page Day SHRED ProjectWho Said Getting STRONG and Building More Muscle All While Getting SHREDDED At The Same Time Wasn’t Possible?Discover How To Look, Feel, and Perform Your Absolute Best Ever In ONLY 28 Days With The Most Strategic, Fastest Fat-Shredding, Strength-Building Hybrid Program EVER Designed.Front The Desk Of Travis Stoetzel, Strength and Performance CoachSince 2011 I can’t even tell you how many emails and messages I’ve received from guys wanting to know how they could achieve “the hold grail” of all physique and performance training achievement.But what is this “holy grail” of physical achievement you speak of Travis?Well, it’s of course To Get STRONG and SHREDDED all at once.You know…To get “Jacked!”“Yolked Up”“BEASTED Out”Hey, I know this isn’t every athlete’s goal, but for me I know it’s a goal that about 90-95% of my athletes want to achieve (in addition to increasing performance of course)The Holy Grail…  To be strong and shredded.But, is it possible?Some say it is, some say its not.They say, “You can’t do it all at the same time”.I say Bullsh*t.Why?  Because I’ve been able to PROVE the naysayers wrong time and time again.And that’s why I’m here now.Because it is possible to get yourself STRONG and SHREDDED all at once (and it’s a whole lot simpler than you may think).Building quality strength, athleticism, and powerful muscle, all while shredding off unwanted bodyfat…Who honestly doesn’t want that??It is doable, BUT there’s a lot of common mistakes guys make that cause them to fail which is why so many of them think it’s such a impossible goal to achieve.For instance, most “get shredded” programs leave you weak, skinny, and flat to where you usually end up losing a whole lot more than just fat.NO GUY wants this.And if it’s not that , it’s typically you build muscle and strength, but it’s all to the expense of gaining a bunch of unwanted fat mass in the process.Sound familiar to you?Unless you’re going for the big powerlifter / puffy bodybuilder look, that’s NOT what you want either.So, what’s the SOLUTION to this?How can YOU achieve the best of BOTH worlds and do it fast?Well, to help serve you better, I’ve got some major keys focuses you’ll want to zero in on below.You follow and implement these key focuses, you’ll be well on your way to more Strength and Shredded-ness.So, read up and EXECUTE.Focus #1 – Strength is Keyfront squatYES, You MUST Train for STRENGTH.This right here is one of the HUGE mistakes that is made for when it comes to training for fat loss.I feel that strength needs to be your #1 focus within your training at ALL times.It should never be left out.Of course, the best way to hit on strength is to keep heavy weight training within your sessions via lower rep, heavily loaded sets.This will keep and get you stronger while also promoting new muscle growth.And at the same time, it’ll give your body a good reason to retain your hard earned muscle mass as well.Because if you don’t train heavy, your body won’t have a reason to stay or be strong nor will it have a reason to hold onto a lot of the muscle mass you already have.Your body would much rather shrink to save itself energy expenditure.And a common mistake that a lot of guys like to do is with doing moderate to lightly loaded circuits of high intensity / metabolic style training sessions to lose fat and get shredded.While those methods have their place and are certainly effective at shredding off body fat, they won’t be giving your body reasons to stay strong and retain a lot of powerful muscle mass.The SOLUTION to this is to train with complex movements like squats, deadlifts, military presses, weighted pull ups, bent rows, and all of the different variations of these main movements with lower reps and HEAVIER loads.Obviously it goes well beyond just the movements I have listed above, but those are the basics and you can’t ever go wrong with the basics


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