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6 Weeks Confidence Challenge – Week 4

[2 mp3, 1 pdf, 1 MP4]


Hi xxx, Week 4 of your… “6 Week Double Your Confidence Challenge” has JUST begun!This Week is all about how to create relationships with people and yoursurroundings that actually MAKEyou confident! Below is your link for THIS WEEK’S LEARNING PAGE. IMPORTANT: After you clicked the link…you  will be asked for a password. The password is: “xxxx”Double Your Confidence Week 4 Make sure you SAVE this email! REMINDER: As usual always start with the video… And please do the coaching session in one piece…so put aside 40 minwithout interruptions!(You’ll thank me for being strict aboutthis it later!) And when you download the mp3’setc…load them onto your ipod andlisten to them repeatedly to remindyourself…it usually takes a few timeslistening to something new for it to sink in! Great!Week 4 has JUST started! So I see you in a few seconds… Stephan PS: Should you have any difficulties please let me know straightaway.


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