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Aaron Parnel – Facial Reposturing

Aaron Parnel – Facial Reposturing [MP4]
[VHSRip – MP4]


Aaron Parnel – Facial Reposturing [MP4]Here is a MP4 of a facial massage practice developed by Aaron Parnell. I bought the VHS after one of his classes a few years ago. The quality is a little low since it was ripped from a VHS tape, but the practices are pretty solid. Its pretty good work and he gives a lot of tips on accessing and waking up various parts of the face. He bills it as being about a sort of face lift, which it is, but more significantly for me as that these techniques are amazing for waking up these dead parts of ourselves – particularly the jaw which tends to get stuck.Here is his website: highly recommend his workshop, he is entertaining, knowledgeable and a lot of fun.


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