Academy of Sacred Geometry – Opening the Golden Door – Mark Hanf and Marnie Muller
Opening the Golden Door with Mark and Marnie
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‘Academy of Sacred GeometrySacred Geometry Full Practitioner Course’ Group BuyGB status – OpenGB thread – HereGroSharing elsewhere will result in being banned Opening the Golden Door with Mark Hanf and Marnie MulleOpening the Golden Door of Sacred GeometryAn Experiential, Hands-on Introduction to Sacred-GeometryYou amuse me, said Plato, you who think I am imposing impractical studies upon you…like geometry.Yet, it is through these studies that the eye of the soul is awakened, and this eye is worth more than 10,000 regular eyes.Have you ever felt a sense that there is a deeper mystery underlying what is commonly referred to as “reality”? Or wondered how to even begin the search? And supposed how you fit in with All of this? At the heart of the ancient Mystery traditions is the study of Geometry…as an initiatory experience.Awakening to and remembering this ancient living pattern language of size, shape, position, and proportion activates an inner experience of connectedness and awe as well as a fresh perspective on how to creatively relate to the greater Whole. Developing the skills to access this language in an ongoing way gives one a new vocabulary for interpreting art, architecture, symbolism and the world around us.Becoming familiar with the myriad ways the Geometry of Nature is revealed through fractal patterns, harmonic ratios, and sacred cycles allows one to experience a profound sense of interconnection from the subatomic to the galactic level and to design and align in accordance with this elemental flow.This lively, multi-faceted 4-day core curriculum course invites you to experience the elemental structures of Sacred Geometry through exquisite multimedia, individual instruction in hands-on drawing with the classic geometer’s tools of architectural compass and straight edge, and collaborative construction of 3-D geometric models… as well as exploring practical, real world application of these design principles into your own venues.Day I Unlocking the Door…with the Geometer’s ToolsMysteries From AntiquityGeometry, one of the world’s oldest sacred sciences literally means “earth measurement”, and in the wider sense, concerns itself with the measurement of all Space. Deep within this study of the Space of Universe lies a beautiful and mysterious system of Living Wisdom with its vibrant, archetypal forms that have fascinated philosophers and sages from all spiritual traditions since antiquity. Beginning with a comprehensive multi-media presentation, we trace the lineage of this ancient wisdom tradition and explore clues from Ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece and the British Isles. Master Geometers such Pythagoras, Plato, Euclid, Leonardo and others show us how this wisdom is applied to all aspects of human culture through Sacred measure, Sacred Space, Sacred Number, Astronomy, navigation, architecture, dance, music and art.Opening the CompassThe Mystery tradition of Geometry introduces the initiate to the geometers’ tools through elemental practices which reveal how the matrix of Creation arises and from it all form. We begin by centering ourselves and taking up Compass and Straight Edge to explore the grid of Creation and its myriad patterns. We come to discover that the secrets of the geometer’s tools are continually revealed by actually working with them in a hands-on way as a meditative practice connecting the practitioner with the Living Presence of Creation. In this session we will spend substantial time drawing these fundamental geometric forms with ample time for individual instruction.Day II Deciphering the MatrixFrom the Circle…to the Music of the SpheresToday we step into the 3rd dimension and observe the countless examples of Spherical Geometry in our Universe. With a rich multi-media presentation, we see how the Sphere manifests as stars and planets on the macrocosmic level and as a human egg on the microcosmic level. We will experiment with the magic of the closest packing of spheres and construct our own hands-on 3-dimensional matrix that holds clues to the crystalline lattice structure of Nature itself.Revealing the Jewels of the Ancient ElementsLike a master jeweler cuts a stone with precision to create a sparkling gem, the geometry of the sphere can be divided into the perfect solids in which every angle and facet are exactly equal. Mysteriously, there are only 5 forms in the Universe that fulfill these requirements and they have been known for thousands of years. These forms are so fundamental to the architecture of Nature, ancient philosophers regarded them as the five elements themselves. Modern scientists are discovering that these forms hold the key to many riddles in fields such as Chemistry, Physics, and Biology.In this session we will explore these 5 Platonic solids by constructing each one using a 3-dimensional hands-on modeling system called Zometools. Kinesthetically exploring the angles, faces and “feel” of each form is a revelation in itself. We will also examine the symbolic significance of each form through a multimedia presentation that weaves together ancient art, architecture, and history, as well as contemporary science.Day III Synergetics: Coordinate System of the UniverseNature’s Principles of DesignBuckminster Fuller, pioneer of the Geodesic Dome, was an architect, engineer, inventor, mathematician, scientist, author, cartographer, cosmologist, and humanitarian…a modern renaissance man who developed an extraordinary range of sustainable and efficient designs based on the geometries of interconnection.How is it that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts? In a word…Synergy. Synergetics is the study of the geometry of systems. In this session, we take a look at Nature revealing her secrets …through a multimedia tour of the work of Bucky Fuller and discuss the systems within systems at work within us and around us.Fuller spent a lifetime exploring the interconnection of the Platonic solids and applied this understanding to all aspects of design. We will investigate the profound relationships inherent in these forms using a variety of life-size structures and hands-on models including a unique geometric tool designed by Fuller, which he playfully named the “Jitterbug” because of its ability to “dance” and morph into different shapes.Great Circles… The Geometry of Humanity and Mother EarthStepping inside of these life-size geometric forms allows us to kinesthetically explore the pathways of Great Circles through Tai Chi-style movements. As we become centered in our own sphere we feel more in resonance with our planetary sphere and beyond…awakening a deeper sense of balance and harmony. We will then step onto a large Dymaxion World Map which was designed by Fuller for his World Game. This geometrically-inspired Map reveals the interconnections of our world so that we see our planet as One Island in One Ocean. Day IV The Divine Proportion: Connecting Heaven and EarthHarmonic Design and the Architecture of CreationWithin the symphony that we call Universe there are distinct relationships that are beautifully harmonic and are resounded on every scale of creation. Today we will discover how Artists and Architects throughout history have consciously integrated these proportions into their compositions so that they become vibrant and resonate with the greater whole. We will investigate the “golden proportion” and practice constructing it in a number of different ways so that all participants become very comfortable implementing these methods in future artwork and designs.Perceiving from the Inside-OutOur examination of the Golden Ratio concludes with a multimedia finale that expresses how this profound relationship is not an abstract mathematical concept but rather a dynamic pattern of growth and movement that manifests in myriad forms throughout the cosmos. This session will culminate with the opportunity to creatively synthesize the main components of our 4-day kinesthetic journey into “awakening the eye of the soul’ through the living principles of Sacred Geometry. Each participant will then gather their set of archetypal platonic solids and portfolio of their own traditional hand-drawn geometric patterns to bring home with them as a way to continue their journey.Participants will: Explore how the Art and Science of Sacred Geometry has shaped our spatial consciousness through art, architecture, navigation, cartography, astronomy, cosmology, philosophy, and spirituality Become proficient in the ancient pattern language of geometry and learn how to incorporate these key archetypal forms into one’s own professional and individual design practices Develop a portfolio of your hand-drawn geometric renderings as well a set of your own 3-D geometric forms to take with you for ongoing development Gain confidence in mastering classic geometric drawing techniques with the geometer’s tools of compass and straightedge Acquire methods and tools that make construction of beautifully complex models easy for new geometers Experience simple, elegant kinesthetic practices for awakening the sacred geometries in one’s own body for enhanced balance, awareness, and harmony Cultivate a deeper sense of the geometric architecture of Nature at the heart of the interconnections of the web of life Examine how fractals, symmetry and other geometric features embedded in Nature are beautifully integrated into ancient and contemporary designs Investigate how Sacred Number and Harmonics contribute in a fundamental way to the practical design of Sacred SpaceMark Hanf is an artist and educator who has been exploring the nexus of science and art his entire life. In 1995, he was nominated to attend the NC Governor’s School in Science, Art, and Mathematics, and ultimately chose to study Fractal and Non-Euclidean Geometry. Mark went on to attend Davidson College, where he continued to study Math and Science through astronomy, chemistry, and physics, and integrated these topics into his art. He received a BA in Visual Arts from Davidson College in 2000, with a special focus on Science, Religion, and Environmental Architecture. While still in school, he researched, designed, and drew blueprints for a passive solar, off-grid, earth-sheltered home that incorporates key elements of geometric design like the golden ratio, as well as rain water cisterns, recycled materials, solar panels, and a bio-diesel generator. After graduating, Mark interned with Michael Reynolds at Earthship Biotecture in Taos, New Mexico and then returned to western North Carolina to build that home with his family.From 2001-2007, Mark taught at the Rainbow Mountain Children’s School in Asheville, NC, where Multiple Intelligence theory and a holistic approach are blended to create an interdisciplinary, experiential, life-long learning environment. He taught middle school math and science and developed a unique curriculum that integrated environmental science, astronomy, cosmology, synergetic and ancient geometry.In 2006, he was a participant in the Design Science Lab in Asheville, a ten-day international think-tank sponsored by The Buckminster Fuller Institute and the United Nations that addressed global sustainability with an emphasis on energy, environmental, health, and educational issues. Since then he has worked with the Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) and a team of educators and multimedia artists to produce Aboard Spaceship Earth (ASE), a 21st Century Global Studies program that integrates Geography, Science, and Geometry. For the past 3 years he has served as director for ASE and has been designing the curriculum, as well as producing tools and materials. He has presented Aboard Spaceship Earth programs locally and regionally to a wide range of groups including elementary and middle schools, college students, and adults. He has also produced a range of events in collaboration with the Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and The Education Committee of the BFI, sharing the work of Buckminster Fuller with “design scientists” of all ages.In 2008, Mark co-founded Geometry of Nature, LLC, and has served as it’s creative director ever since. He has presented numerous lectures, classes, and hands-on workshops in collaboration with a variety of schools and organizations including Sidwell Friends School, The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the Washington DC Public School System (DCPS), UNC Chapel Hill-World View, Davidson College, The Global Institute for Sustainable Technologies, (NCCAT) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Mark is on the faculty of the Academy of Sacred Geometry along with some of the world’s leading teachers in the field. He is also on the faculty of the New York School of Feng Shui, where he regularly teaches a course entitled The Tao of Geometry that explores the relationships of chinese sacred symbols and fractal geometry.Since 2010, Mark has been partnering with MuseCycle Media to produce a range of digital educational products including STEM animation and videos (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), multimedia lesson plans, and iTextbooks for iPad.Mark is also a professional artist and creates work that weaves together his wide range of interests including science, math, and history. His paintings examine Nature’s architecture and symmetry and recently he has been using CNC (Computer Numeric Controlled) routers and lasers to create a body of sculpture and prints that explore fractal Geometry. His studio is part of Marshall High Studios, a complex located on a tiny island in the French Broad River in the Mountains of NC.Specializes in sharing “hands-on” experiential principles of this ancient geometry with participants of all ages Marnie Muller, MLA, has immersed herself in the love of geometry and the ancient mystery traditions since the 1960’s. In particular, she is interested in how kinesthetic /body wisdom awareness of these universal geometric forms and their interpenetrating and metamorphic qualities help stabilize the possibility for the human to exist as Body-Soul-Spirit and be in conscious co-participation and resonance with Heaven Above, Earth Below. She extensively studies ancient sacred geometry with Keith Critchlow, Randall Carlson, Robert L. Powell, Sr. and others and also includes the ancient Sophianic Wisdom tradition in her orb.She lives in the Asheville, North Carolina area and exchanges on a regular basis with a number of sacred geometry colleagues. Marnie specializes in sharing “hands-on”, experiential principles of this ancient geometry with participants of all ages as well as in designing and constructing large, life-size geometric forms for exploring the beauty, grace, and kinesthetic awareness of moving within these powerful, universal forms, both indoors and outdoors. Her body wisdom studies include contact improv, continuum, tai chi, primordial chi kung, classic eurythmy, and choreocosmic eurythmy.She has worked as research associate at the Foundation for Mind Research, as Project Director of Art/Environment at the Savannah Science Museum, as a Math-Science Teacher, and as an editor and as an author. Her UNCA Masters thesis was on The Classical Seven-Circuit Labyrinth as Transcultural Phenomenon. Presently she is Director of The Universe Story Journey and is a founding member of the EarthVoyage Team which focuses on developing and presenting interdisciplinary, inter-generational “hands-on” programs and multi-media on a giant, geometric Dymaxion map projection of the world designed by R. Buckminster Fuller.Her cosmological studies include the work of Rudolf Steiner and Thomas Berry, who has been a main mentor. Her focus is the Sacred Story of the Universe and its time-developmental processŠwith the inquiry: “How best do humans participate in the sacred community of the Universe”? As Project Director of The Universe Story Journey, she encourages others in their own inquiry process as cosmic citizens.The Universe Story Journey is a large, permanent outdoor museum quality exhibit which she co-designed, developed and directed its installation as a 60-foot wide spiral timescale Walk in the woods on the hundred acre-plus campus of a private, international high school. On the spiral path which winds back to the Origin of the Universe, every 36 feet equals approximately one Billion years. Along the way, one experiences large timescale stations with NASA color images portraying key “moments” in the story of the emergent Universe. Marnie also designs and guest teaches original curricula for the site including Ancient and Contemporary Cosmologies & Creation Myths from around the World, Exploring the Biological Kingdoms and their Place in the Universe Story, Origin of the Chemical Elements of the Periodic Table, and the Living Geometries of Nature.Recently her schedule has included teaching a 5-day Course at the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching to teachers from around the state. She designed a “DaVinci-style” Studio space where teachers in that residential-retreat setting could come and work/play with “hands-on” materials, even into the wee hours of the night. She invited colleagues Mark Hanf and Thomas Belisle to join her and together they invited participants to see geometry in a whole new light.For the Black Mountain College Museum & Art Center’s exhibit, Ideas + Inventions: Buckminster Fuller and Black Mountain College/Exploring the genius of R. Buckminster Fuller in 2005, Marnie designed, constructed and installed a range of 3-D geometric forms based on Fuller’s work. In addition, she designed and conducted an experiential, inter-generational workshop, Great Circles + Spaceship Earth which included hands-on construction of geometric forms. She also coordinated a benefit concert as a tribute to Fuller, Music from the Dymaxion Dimension.Marnie Muller has a B. A., Cum Laude, in Philosophy with Interdisciplinary Studies, from Marymount College, Tarrytown, New York and an MLA from The University of North Carolina, Asheville. For over 20 years Marnie has studied and worked with the renowned cultural historian Thomas Berry, author of The Dream of the Earth, The Universe Story, and other works and has collaborated with educators from the US and Canada to develop innovative, experiential learning models for sharing his work with broad communities. Her UNCA Masters thesis was on The Classical Seven-Circuit Labyrinth as Transcultural Phenomenon.In the 70’s, Marnie has worked with the Savannah Science Museum in Savannah, Georgia as Project Coordinator of the Art/Environment Awareness Project in collaboration with Telfair Academy of the Arts & Sciences. She also designed and taught environmental education classes, conducted experiential nature walks for teachers and hundreds of students, and collaborated in planning the conversion of the museum from a “behind glass”museum to a “hands-on” museum (Boston Children’s Museum/SF Exploratorium style ). She also helped create the Resource Center Library on Sustainability and Environmental Education and authored the regional environmental education handbook: Let the Environment Become Your Classroom for The Coastal Office of the Georgia Conservancy, Savannah, GA. Her experience as an educator includes developing and teaching original, hands-on curriculum in Science and Mathematics.From 1983 to 1992 she was co-founder/editor and contributor for Katuah: Bioregional Journal for the Southern Appalachians, which focused on preserving the cultural and ecological diversity of the Southern Appalachians. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Consortium, dedicated to celebrating and preserving the ecological and cultural heritage of Southern Appalachia.… NowExtreme User+ TBA Power User+ TBA User: Upgrade your account to Power User to gain access to this exclusive material (You need to upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)
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