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Acupuncture (Chinese Massage Series) (2007)

Chinese Massage Series Acupuncture
[1 DVD – Rip, 2 Atlas Software – EXE]


[img]Uploaded with[/img][img]Uploaded with[/img]This video is narrated in Chinese, with English and Simplified Chinese subtitles.Product DescriptionAcupuncture is the conclusion of thousands of years experience on fighting against disease by Chinese people. Acupuncture is the way of stimulating certain points of the body by using various shapes of needles made of metal to cure diseases. Acupuncture can work on dredging blood and influence the remote points and whole points of the body by dredging blood, and serve its purposes of curing diseases by joining the channels, meridians, and making the blood and breath flow smoothly. This video shows acupuncture being used in the treatment and rehabilitation of 22 general common diseases.This film shows and explains techniques and methods of acupuncture. Often, acupuncture is carried out in conjunction with the moxibustion, massage and acupressure, which is explained in the film.In addition to the video, there are additionally two small applets given inside – Atlas of general acupuncture points on the body and the Atlas of ear acupuncture points. Safety precautions for acupuncture taken from…:The fear of needles is widespread amongst people, as no one likes to be probed or poked by tens or sometimes even hundreds of thin needles. Therefore, when people who are unfamiliar with acupuncture first hear of the practise, they are excited about the mysticism of using ancient eastern medicine to help the healing process. However, once a lot of patients actually understand that acupuncture involves the use of needles, they become scared, a rather natural reaction. People have inbuilt mechanisms that creates an unpleasant feeling when foreign matter touches or penetrates the body. This is entirely normal as this instinct allows people to survive serious injuries like cuts and tears. Once the treatment is administered by a well trained practitioner, acupuncture becomes one of the safest forms of medical treatments of various illnesses.The risks involved in acupuncture are usually very mild. These involve light bleeding from needles piercing small arteries, to feeling nauseous, to having headaches. However, there are certain rules of common sense that need to be followed, so that a complimentary and beneficial treatment like acupuncture does not become potentially lethal. The risks to look out for and avoid are:((( RULES TO FOLLOW )))a) The practitioner that is advertising their service should be well trained and have official qualifications that are recognised by boards of natural medicine. These qualifications and the doctor’s identification should be easily proved. The practitioner should also have full insurance cover in case something does go wrong.b) The clinic where acupuncture will be administered should be clean, sterile. The premises should be well maintained and in good working order.c) It is important that the treatment table that you will be lying down on is very clean, hygienic and sterile. All sheets, pillows and covers should be fresh, clean and disposable (if the practitioner can afford this).d) The practitioner must use disposable (single use) needles for each and every patient. You should see the doctor open up a fresh packet of acupuncture needles every time in front of you for safety reasons.e) Describe your condition, the medication you take and other problems in detail to your acupuncurist, so that they can create a proper diagnosis and administer the right treatment.f) Follow all safety instructions that the practitioner emphasises. Whether it is the position that you should be lying in, to whether to hold your breath in or relax should all be followed for optimum results and safety.g) Notify the practitioner of any discomforts, pain felt or any other problems that need to be dealt with.h) At the end of the treatment make sure to discuss the treatment performed, any side effects and the plan of action for your next appointment. The practitioner should be friendly and open to any questions. Do not forget to ask for a receipt from the doctor at the end of any treatment.((( CONSEQUENCES OF IMPROPER TREATMENT )))a) If the practitioner is poorly trained or has no qualifications, then they may not know what they are doing and may be harming you without you even realizing it. In an event of a serious injury it will be hard to prove the practitioners knowledge and allowance to perform.b) The clinic should be pleasant to visit, with good ventilation and temperature. The clinic should also be clean and sterile as your health is concerned. People with all kinds of diseases come in for treatments; therefore, it is essential to be clean so that the patients do not contract any serious, airborne or static diseases like influenza, hepatitis, etc.c) If the table on which you will be lying down isn’t clean or sterile, you could be come infected by the last patients diseases or be covered in unpleasant residue; which could potentially stay on your and contaminate food, water or make other people sick.d) If the acupuncture needles are not disposable you run the risk of being infected with viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, bacterial infections and gangrene amongst many others.e) If you do not describe all the details of your problems and the medications that you take, the doctor may administer the wrong medications for the wrong body parts, that could harm you further or interact with your medications in a deadly way.f) You should get into the position that the practitioner asks you, breathe in a certain way and generally do as the acupuncturist asks you. The risks of breaking the thin needles and having them lodged inside of you are very real. It will become to extract the needles, as they are as thick as hair. These can potentially enflame the area and allow diseases to enter the open wound. Also this prevents the needles from penetrating major arteries, veins or nerves.g) It is important to notify your practitioner if you’re feeling any pain or discomfort from the procedure. This is especially important during electro-acupuncture, as too much electrical current can burn your skin and create an impulse imbalance in the nerves. The consequential side effects could be nausea, headaches, and loss of consciousness, amongst many more.h) If you do not discuss your progress with the practitioner your results may be delayed or not obtained at all. Make sure you know what the practitioner is doing, and doing it right so that you get the treatment thats worth your health, time and money. It is important to keep receipts as evidence that that particular practitioner did the treatments just in case if you get seriously injured and need to take the matter to court for compensation. Receipts and formal recognition make the acupuncturists liable for their actions and thus forces them to give the best quality treatment possible subconsciously.Also, do refer to this guide:… on the contraindications and precautions for acupuncture points.


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