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Adam Khoo – Master Your Mind

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It’s A Fact! More Than 97% Of People Will Never Attain The Success They Want In Life And What You MUST Do If You Want To Avoid Being Another Sorry Statistic!”SHOCKING! Yale University Study Reveals How ONLY 3% Of People Ever Go On To Become Runaway Successes And Create Breakthrough Results In Life!If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secrets That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Then Read This Letter Now…Dear Frustrated Success Seeker,Can I be dreadfully honest with you?Because I know you want to know the truth about why you find it so hard to just attain the success you want in life.And you observe how others can just seem to flow through life, achieving breakthrough result after result and basically live the life of dreams! They have that dream job, their business is successful, they live in that dream house, drive the fast cars and have the perfect family!Doesn’t that make you envious?Maybe even angry?Well let me tell you the truth…It’s NOT Your Fault That You Haven’t Achieved the Results You Want In Your Life Yet!Because it’s something else that’s been preventing you from attaining the success you deserve.How do I know this?Because you work your socks off every single day in pursuit of your goals. You put your sweat, blood, and tears into your job, career or business to just ‘make it happen’.You jot down your goals, you plan what steps you need to take to achieve them, you clock in 16 hour days (or more) and you work like a mad dog just so that, one day, you will become *successful* and then you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor!But that scenario just doesn’t seem to pan out that way at all, does it?You work your socks off, but it’s someone else that gets that promotion you want, the recognition you deserve, and the success that’s rightfully yours.And you know what?That exact same scenario is playing out everyday in offices and households everywhere and you are just left frustrated at how life can just be so damn unfair! And it’s not even unfair in your favor!Here’s what you’ll gain from this 12 Step Personal Success System:01 The Patterns Of Excellence Discover the one hidden resource that is ALL you need to succeed in life. (You already have it. You  just don’t know it!) Know the truth behind the resources you *think* you need to produce results. Discover why your lack of money and time is not the real reason for your lack of results. Discover a thinking model which explains the way humans performs and how you can use this to ‘program’ yourself for instant success. Discover the key to your thoughts & behavioral patterns and why you continue to sabotage your own success even though you say you want to be successful. Learn why so few people produce exceptional results and why this is actually to your advantage! Unveil the secret to replicate a winner’s mental blueprint and how you can model someone’s path to success. Learn the most fundamental principle to switch ‘on’ and ‘off’ your brain’s limitless potential and use it to bring you where you want to go. Learn what your beliefs have to do with your ability to succeed in life. If you screw this up, success will forever be an uphill climb that never ends. Learn why you cannot succeed although you have the same mental resources needed. And what you need to change to ensure success comes your way in life. How to attract all the necessary physical resources you need to achieve your goal with NOTHING. How to use the 1000 billion neurons you have in your brain to good use in terms of intelligence, thought and behavioral patterns and what this means to your success. 02 The Ultimate Success Formula Discover the Ultimate Success Formula and how this holds the key to you achieving any result you want in life! Learn the three ways people deal with failure so you know which way to go if you want to be successful. The key you need to gain the ability to constantly change your strategy and do whatever it takes to get the results you want. How to be very specific about the goals you set and why if you don’t do this, you can say adios to your future success. What Tiger Woods, Steven Spielberg, and Bill Clinton have in common that will teach you why success never happens by accident. Every goal you set is possible and darn right achievable. It is only a question of the _______ used. The one thing that separates the dreamers that get nowhere in life from doers that achieve success in life. Why someone less talented and intelligent can be more successful than you and the lesson you can learn here to propel you to success. How to overcome any failure and setback you encounter and even use it to move you faster towards your goals. The one quality you must have if you want to be in total control on your environment and how you can use this to your advantage. 03 How To Achieve Anything You Want Learn why you will always find excuses to stay within your comfort zone and put things off and what you have to do break this limiting pattern. The reason why many people desire to be successful but so few ever become successful. When you give yourself no ______ ___ to succeed, you will always find a way to achieve your goal. Guaranteed. How to raise your level of acceptance to inspire yourself so that you will never accept less than being a runaway success in life. How being dissatisfied and unhappy with yourself can help reach new standards of performance. How putting yourself on the line will literally ‘force’ you to achieve the goals you set. Learn what affects your frame of mind and your emotional states and how you can use it to become a success. How the very language you use will decide how much success you attain in life and how to use the ‘right’ language all the time. Why the people you hang around with will decide how much income and wealth you create and why you must mix with winners if you want to shortcut your path to the top. How to know if you stuck in ‘no man’s land’ and what you can do to breakthrough this barrier. 04 The Key to Absolute Power Discover how to give yourself power to change your circumstances, no matter how dire it may seem to you. Understand how power can be taken away from your hands and what you can do to take it back! Learn why people like you allow yourself to be deprived of that power and avoid falling into that same trap again and again. Know what must you do to take charge of your power immediately so that you can use it immediately to take charge of your life. Learn how to get the response you want in any business or personal situation, anytime you want it, regardless of how difficult you think it is. Why taking absolute responsibility gives you absolute power to shape your life any way you want it. The 2 mistakes you can make that will strip you of your power forever and how to avoid making these mistakes now. The reason why so many people in this world choose to be ‘victims’ and how that traps them to a life of regret and unrealized potential. How to become a master communicator to lead and influence people to your (and their) success. The 3 components of effective communication and how you can use them to communicate and lead effectively. The reason why you can say the right words when communicating but still have a situation blow right up in your face with ugly results. (We’ll teach you how to avoid that!) 05 The Incredible Power of Beliefs Unravel the one thing that empowers ordinary people into achieving extraordinary things. Discover what determines your expectations of yourself and how much you get out of yourself to attain the success you want in life. Learn how our beliefs affect our biochemistry and our well-being all the time and how you can use this to empower you instantly. Learn how to leverage the phenomenon of your brain to achieve whatever you want. Your Beliefs lead to your Expectations which lead to your ______ which lead to your _________ which ultimately lead to your results. How to use the power of visualization to achieve your goals even quicker and easier. (Olympic athletes use this!) The reason why what you believe will ultimately decide how you and your life will end up. Without fail. How to discover empowering beliefs that you can use right now to propel you upwards towards your goals. How your beliefs are created and how they affect your performance in everyday life. How your beliefs right now can be disempowering you and sabotaging you from ever achieving lasting success in life. How you can collapse lousy beliefs about yourself and stop them from holding you back anymore! The 5 step process to how to create new and empowering beliefs about yourself that will support you in your pursuit of lifetime success. 06 The Secret To Peak Performance The one thing that is the driving force that produces the results you experience in life. What are your emotional states and how they actually affect how you behave every single second. The top 10 states of a successful person and the top 10 states of an unsuccessful person. (You’ll soon realize why successful people are successful…) How to find out if you are in control of your states or if your states are in control of you! The 2 things that affect your state at any one time and how they decide how you choose to ‘see’ things in life. (Unsuccessful people screw this bit up.) Understand what creates procrastination or any lousy state you have and how you can simply break out of these negative states immediately! How you can create a state of confidence (or any other empowering state) immediately and use it to drive yourself towards hitting your lifetime goals. How international athletes use this very same technique to always compete in a peak state and perform at the top of their game. How you can consciously model a successful person’s excellence and achieve the same breakthrough results for yourself. How most people actually model patterns of mediocrity and then wonder why they never got anywhere in life (Don’t do this!) 07 Directing Your Brain for Optimum Results The reason why what you focus on will affect your emotional states and ultimately your results in life. How to direct your focus right now towards things that will bring you the success that you deserve in life. What you must definitely avoid focusing on if you truly want to become successful. How Richard Branson started a multi-billion dollar airline by simply knowing what to focus on when his flight got cancelled. (Told you focus is important…) What you must focus on when you encounter something difficult that stands in your way, when you don’t achieve your outcome or when you are faced with a challenging task, so that you come out on top! What are submodalities and how they are the keyboard to your brain and how you can use submodalities to snap you into a peak state immediately. The 28 (and more) ways of how you can affect your submodalities to increase the intensity of any empowering emotional state you want to harness now. How you can also use submodalities to de-intensify your negative past experiences which ultimately help you to breakthrough them instantly. The 5 step system to discover your submodality ‘drivers’ and how they are the most powerful ways to kick-start you into taking action to achieve results now. How to use one specific and powerful technique to change limiting habits and install winning ones for optimum results. 08 Anchoring: The Keyboard to Your Emotions What are anchors and how they neurologically link you to the positive and negative states you have in life. Discover the 3 different types of anchors you must identify with and how affect your life. How giant multi-nationals use the power of anchoring to market their products and millions of people everywhere ‘fall’ for for this.(That’s how powerful anchors are…) Learn how you can create powerful anchors for yourself and use them to fast track your way to personal success. The 4 simple steps you can take right now to create powerful anchors for confidence, motivation or any empowering state you wish to use. The 4 crucial keys you must take note of that will decide how effective your anchors really are. (Screw this up and your anchors won’t work!) How you can also create powerful positive anchors to help empower other people around you as well. (They will love you for this…) Discover the 7 step process to collapse any negative anchors you have and replace them with empowering ones that will serve you towards your pursuit of lifetime success. The reason why any phobias you have can take years to cure using traditional psychotherapy and how you can actually get rid of your lifelong phobias within 30 minutes! The 6 steps you can take right now to get rid of any phobias that have been holding you back and preventing you from attaining the success you deserve. 09 The Transformation of Meaning How you can take any unfortunate event in life that happened that you and turn it into one of the most empowering catalysts for your success. Event + ________ = Outcome. The secret formula to how you can take any event and use it to propel you forward in life! The 2 ways you can turn any negative event into a positive one that empowers yourself to reach your goals. How you can use this same technique to turn any problem into a great personal opportunity. How you can ‘reframe’ other people’s bad experiences and align their frame of mind to yours! (Powerful communicators use this to all the time…) How you can use reframing in all your business deals and sales presentations and overcome any objection that’s thrown at you. How multi-nationals also use the power of reframing to in their multi-million dollar advertising budgets to influence and lead the consumers. (Told you this was powerful…) The Law of Polarity and how this law could hold the key to your lifetime achievement and success. The reason why two people can have the exact same experiences and have totally different results. Understand this and you’re on your way to the top! The reason why successful people never seem to falter in the face of adversity and come back stronger than ever, even after countless failures.  10 Values: Your Driving Force What are your values and how they drive your decisions and the choices you make consistently in life. The 2 different types of values you have and how they have brought you to where you are in life right now. Why you can set all the goals you want in life but still never reach them if your values are all screwed up! The 3 steps to discovering your own values and finally realizing why you have behaved the way you have in the past. The one crucial exercise you must do if you want to find out which values in life are most important to you. (This will affect how much success you attain in life…) Why two people can have the exact same values but still behave differently and have very different results in life. How and why you must specifically define your values if you truly want to discover what is the driving force that will drive you towards achieving your goals. How your values can sabotage you and prevent you from ever attaining the success you deserve in life. (You must get your values right!) How negative values can actually propel you and push you towards what you want to achieve in life. The 4 step system you can use right now to ‘lock-in’ your empowering values so that they serve you positively for life! 11 Design Your Destiny The trouble with most people and why when they don’t really know what they want, they will never see any breakthrough results in life. Every goal that you wish to achieve in life is possible, it’s only a question of ________. Use the right ________ and you will achieve your goals. Guaranteed. What will happen to you if you don’t have a plan for your path in life. (And it’s not very nice…) The single biggest reason why I was able to make my million at age 26 when my peers who just as intelligent as me were only making $2,000 a month. Learn what prevents most people from designing their destiny so that you can avoid them like a plague! The biggest thing ,that is the hardest to break, that will stand in your way on your route to personal success and what you can do to breakthrough. Why you must start setting your goals now or you will seriously end up nowhere in life. (You know you don’t want this…) The reason why most people end up feeling frustrated, disillusioned and unfulfilled in life and how you can avoid this fate! The 5 things that are preventing you from designing your life exactly the way you want it and how you can breakthrough these barriers. How you can come back even stronger even after major blows in life. The 3 major keys to designing powerful goals that will empower you to achieve massive success. Why setting ‘s-t-r-e-t-c-h’ goals and unrealistic targets will bring you exceptional results! 12 How to Replicate Someone’s Success Blueprint How you can replicate any person’s success strategy and create the exact same results as well. What is the Success Blueprint and how you can model this to achieve breakthrough results in life. The 5 areas which you must model from a successful person and how each area plays a crucial role to your personal success. What are your mental strategies and they decide how effective you are in achieving results in life. The 7 components that make up a mental strategy and how you can craft each component to your success advantage. Why you must be aware of your own mental strategies, so that you can change them, get rid of ineffective ones and move forward faster towards success. How discovering your own mental strategies will enable you to replicate your own excellent states and past peak performances at will. How you can ask the right questions to discover a person’s success strategy and utilize it for your own to achieve similar breakthrough results! How to discover an ineffective strategy that’s holding you back and how you can redesign it into a brand new strategy that empowers you instead! How to ‘install’ a success strategy into your brain so that you can fire off your most powerful peak states at anytime you wish and propel you towards massive success.


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