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Adyashanti – Being Alone

Adyashanti – Being Alone.avi
[1 DVD – Rip]


4-minute preview clip here:’ve found little information or description of this video on the web.  The clip above is better than any description.  This is a satsang with Adyashanti: he speaks for about 45 minutes, then listeners in the room go on stage and ask him questions.  Fans of the Sedona Method or Byron Katie would probably find Adyashanti familiar.General info on Adyashanti:The Guru Guide gives this guy three pink blobs, which is as many blobs one can receive.*********************Born as Steven Gray, Adyashanti studied Zen for 14 years under the guidance of his Zen teacher Arvis Joen Justi. Arvis was a student of Taizan Maezumi Roshi of the Zen Center of Los Angeles before he requested that she teach. Steve (Adyashanti) was regularly sent by Arvis to Zen sesshins, where he also studied under Jakusho Kwong Roshi of the San Francisco Zen Center. At age 25 he began experiencing a series of transformative spiritual awakenings (see Bodhi). In 1996, around six years later, he was invited to teach by Arvis Joen Justi. However, because Arvis never under went the traditional Zen ceremony of Dharma transmission, though still instructed to teach by Maezumi, Adyashanti is not an official Dharma heir of any particular Zen tradition. Rather he is Arvis Justi’s successor in a lay Lineage originally authorized by Taizan Maezumi.           lack of a better category, this one is going under “Psychology”…


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