Aiki Expo 2002 Demostration
Aiki Expo 2002 Demostration
[2 DVD,MP4]
This DVD is part one of the 5th Friendship Demonstration held in conjunction with Aiki Expo 2002 held May 3-5, 2002 in Las Vegas. It features a stellar lineup of top-ranked aikidoka of various styles and fascinating demonstrations of Daito-ryu aikijujutsu, Yanagi-ryu Aiki Jiu Jitsu, and Seibukan Jujutsu. Contents are as follows:Tom Read, Founder of AikibojitsuJohn Goss, 5th dan AikikaiKayla Feder, 5th dan AikikaiYukio Utada, 7th dan Yoshinkan AikidoDanielle Molles Smith, 5th dan AikikaiKenji Ushiro, Shihan, Shindo-ryu KarateGeorge Ledyard, 5th dan AikikaiVince Salvatore, 5th dan AikikaiToby Threadgill, Shindo Yoshin ryuRobert Mustard, 6th dan YoshinkaiMolly Hale, 3th dan AikikaiKatsuyuki Kondo, Daito-ryu AikijujutsuJamie Zimron, KiAi Golf, 5th dan AikikaiRobert Nadeau, 7th dan AikikaiFrank Doran, 7th dan AikikaiHans Goto, 6th dan AikikaiDon Angier, Soke, Yanagi-ryu Aiki Jiu JitsuJim Stewart, 6th dan Yoshinkan AikidoJulio Toribio, Founder of Seibukan JujutsuAn inspiration for every aikidoka and martial artist!
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