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Aisha Salem – Longing for Deeper Love (Møn Retreat Jan 2019 – Part 1)

Aisha Salem – Longing for Deeper Love (Mon Retreat Jan 2019 – Part 1)
[1 WebRip – 2 MP4]



Aisha Salem – Longing for Deeper Love (Møn Retreat Jan 2019 – Part 1)*** TP/TO Exclusive ***…Quote:Meditation:Direct View of LoveFootage of Aisha talking and answering questions on topics such as:Relationship between Love and the one being held in LoveAddressing different layers of painHim bowing and serving HerJourney to the Inner MarriageHeaviness around past eventsNo more gaps in LoveCourage to move on not-knowingThe Queen and the GrandmotherExploring Sexuality as a way to Deeper LoveMoving on the surface levels of sexual exploration VS the Deep Meeting with Her through intimate communionQuote:Aisha Salem is a deeply, vastly and widely realised woman of Truth. An Inspirator and guide on the path of awakening, Self-realisation and embodiment as the full-inclusion of every aspect of Reality as the path of the True Human.At the age of 23 the question “Who am I?” rose in her mind as the demand for Truth. In surrender to Love of her Self, as of All, Life broke loose knocking down every illusion of individual and separated existence through 2 years of extreme spiritual unfoldment.During these 2 years, her endlessly expanding consciousness sent her through daily trances, bodily burning, periods of bodily paralysation, resettings of her mind, loss of all body-identification as layer after layer of consciousness broke her Heart open, revealing the reality of the pure Self – the very Spirit and Life of the Universe.Finally in passing the gates of God, a merging of her consciousness happened with Life itself, as the expansion brought the clear experiential reality as Universal Consciousness, and the answer became clear: God is Love is Life is Me!Quote:MastersThrough Aisha’s spiritual maturation, she has had the good fortune of receiving ongoing transmissions from some of times Greatest Masters.Despite having been in communion with masters like Ananda Mayi Ma, Ramana Maharshi, Kuan Yin and more, a quite specific line of Masters have appeared to transmit from beyond the physical realm over year-long periods of time. Despite having no obvious affiliation with religion or tradition, the teaching of her is primarily that of buddhistic lineage.The masters who have continuously merged with her Being through significant periods of time over the last 17 years are Djwhal Khul (1,5 years), Longchenpa (3 years), Yeshe Tsogyal (2 years) and Padmasambhava (ongoing). In this way Aisha continuous to be an apprentice of Truth, receiving the keys of fulfilling our deepest human potential.More info:


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