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Alan Questel – Balance

Alan Questel – Balance
[8 CDs – 19 MP3s, 1 PDF]



**** Exclusive ****Please do not upload/share anywhere else. Thanks!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Robert Masters – Psychophysical Exercises GB.This GB is CLOSED GB Thread: HEREProduct Link: HEREBALANCEby Alan QuestelBALANCE (OR THE LACK OF IT) DESCRIBES HOW YOU ARE, BOTH PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY.You know what it is…but what is it really? Balance is something you only really think about when you lose it. But do you know what you lose? Finding your balance is easier and closer than you think! In this workshop you will experience some of the fundamental ideas that inform you about your balance as well as ways you can understand it, utilize it and play with it. You will discover how instability can become mobility and how immovability can become stability. Through Feldenkrais®-Awareness Through Movement® lessons you will explore how it is you have balance, loose it and regain it again.  Complete recording time:  6h 28:46 Track list in PDF file. Note on how to approach Awareness through Movement® (ATM): ATM is meant to be done with ease and pleasure. Your own sense of comfort can be your guide in how you do the movements. Each repetition is a chance to sense more of yourself in the movement. The quality of how you move is more important than the  quantity. Rest as frequently as you would like or need to and resume the movements when you are ready. If you are far away from a smile you are working too hard. Have fun and enjoy yourself.Note for your safety: The lessons in this workshop present different levels of challenge. It is recommended to do the lessons in the order they were taught until you are more familiar with them. It is important that you stay in your own range of comfort. If you experience any difficult situation, do less and/or imagine the movements. The author cannot be held responsible for any injuries that may occur when following the lessons. Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUpgrade to Power User to get access (upload 25 GB or donate, and be a member for 4 weeks)


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