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Alan Tutt – Keys To Power Mastery System

Key To Power Mastery System – Alan Tutt
[3 MP3s – 2 PDFs]



Keys To Power: The Power of Intention Audio Program   $34.95  (Keys To Power – Step by Step course)   $14.95   (Keys To Power Prosperity ebook)   $19.95   (KTP: Power of Intention audio program)   $15.00  (Awaken Your Power audio program)   $15 .00  (Sharpen Your Focus audio program))There’s no reason you have to wait until you’re fully trained to use Universal Power before getting started improving your life.  With this audio program, you can start producing miracles in your life immediately!In this 33 minute recording, Alan explains:    * what Power is    * the best way to think about Power in order to get results    * how the Power of Intention compares to the Power of Belief    * the key factors that make the Power of Intention work    * how you can improve your ability to tap into the Power of Miracles    * the exact process that directs Power to manifest your desiresHe also guides you through a couple of exercises from the Step by Step course that train your mind and your spirit to tap into Power and then to direct that Power towards what you want to happen in your life.Just by listening to this recording, you will find yourself automatically tapping into Universal Power and directing it towards manifesting a desired new reality. Awaken Your Power Audio ProgramThis isn’t like any other ‘guided meditation’ recording that you may have experienced.  This recording uses several components to literally SHIFT you into a state where manifesting the things you want in life becomes EASY!First, we tap into the essence of connection, which is felt as LOVE.  By evoking a powerful feeling of love, we automatically open our connection to the Infinite Power of the Universe.  And with a specially designed process, we amplify the Power of Love to create dramatic internal changes.Second, the words in this recording use the science of conversational hypnosis to naturally implant the required suggestions into your inner mind so the connection with Universal Power is accepted, welcomed, and embraced.  Furthermore, the suggestions embedded within the recording will allow you to feel completely comfortable with the idea of taking ‘ownership’ of this Power and using it to get the things you want in life.  Without this feeling of ‘ownership’, many people subconsciously sabatoge their efforts to attract the things they want.And lastly, the words and suggestions are powerfully supported with specially composed music.  (Composed, recorded, and copyrighted by Linda Missad.)Together, the combined effect is truly remarkable!  In fact, I guarantee you will feel the effects immediately, even after your very first listening! Sharpen Your Focus Audio ProgamEveryone knows that a sharp knife cuts easier than a dull blade.  This is because the energy behind the knife is focused along a much thinner line, creating a very intense pressure that separates the fat from the meat quickly.  Abraham Lincoln is quoted to have said “If I had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 4 hours sharpening the axe.”  He knew that you could get more done in less time by preparing your tools properly.The most important tool you have is your mind.  In order to get the most out of life, you need to prepare your mind properly.  Schools are supposed to help us do that, but with the many different students they have to work with, they can only do so much.  Besides, they’re only required to get us up to a minimal standard, not to the highest possible degree of skill.  If you want to be the best, or just better than you have been, you have to take over your own development and polish your skills to the hilt.The benefits of clear, sharp focus are many, and most of us are aware of some of them, like being able to:    * be on top of things around you.  Always know what’s happening.    * accomplish more in less time – cut 2-3 hours off a typical 8 hour workday.    * prevent others from taking advantage of you by being able to catch them in their lies.    * quickly size up opportunities and instantly know the details that are important.    * discover hidden relationships and patterns amidst the many details.    * develop greatly increased self-confidence, leading to enhanced persuasiveness and social acceptance.but do you also know that by developing your ability to focus, you can also    * activate dormant areas of your mind.    * increase your IQ, intelligence, and memory.    * experience greater peace of mind as the noise in your head diminishes.    * think quicker – actually speed up your thinking process.    * open up new levels of perception (ESP).    * tap into the Power of the Universe at a very deep and powerful level.    * direct Spiritual Power to attract and manifest desired experiences. Developing mental abilities is much like developing physical abilities.  You have to practice with great intensity.  In order to build muscles, you have to lift heavy weights.  In order to run fast, you have to run as fast as you can long enough so your body adapts and grows into the new demands.To develop your ability to focus, you have to focus your mind so intensely and for so long that your mind is literally FORCED to adapt to the new demands.  The “Sharpen Your Focus” audio program is designed to help you do exactly this.As mentioned above, there are many more benefits to having laser-like focus than simply being able to keep track of the many tiny details that swarm around you on a daily basis.  As you continue to develop your ability to focus, you’ll find yourself becoming more confident and self-assured.  You’ll start to realize that you have an advantage over those who miss the little things and just skim through life.  You’ll see opportunities that others can’t.  And this new-found self-confidence natually leads to greater social acceptance and persuasiveness.By working with this audio program, you’ll find that your increased mental capacity also includes being able to think quicker.  The resistance inside your head disappears and your thoughts move smoothly through your mind, resulting in increased intelligence, IQ, and memory.  You’ll find that you work more efficiently, getting done in 5 hours what used to take 7 or 8.  You can use the extra time for leisure activities, or maybe you want to use it to get ahead in life.  Now you have a choice. Keys To Power ProsperityProsperity is about more than just being in the right business. We all know people who are in the same businesses as rich people, but aren’t getting much for their efforts. For every successful inventor, there are thousands more trying to get their inventions noticed. For every mega-successful author, there are tens of thousands of starving writers banging out words daily and never breaking into the big time. And for every real-estate tycoon, there are thousands of would-be investors being buried by their properties. No, it’s not about what business you’re in that counts.Prosperity is about more than simply having the right attitude. How often have you listened to a motivational speaker say “It’s your attitude that determines your altitude”? If that were the case, then all you’d have to do is to think positively (they all stress Positive Mental Attitudes, right?) and you’ll attract lots of money. But you and I both know that’s not the case.Prosperity is about more than being in the right place at the right time. If it were simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time, then it stands to reason that everyone would have an equal shot at making the big score. But wealthy people consistently score big, over and over again. Obviously, they know something that you don’t.There are actually a number of secrets that go into true Power Prosperity. Secrets such as:    * The secret Beliefs about Prosperity that automatically put you in the money!    * How to bypass the years of negative programming your life has created.    * Tapping into your inner mind to make everything you do 10 times more effective!    * Power Affirmations that will magnetize your mind to attract unlimited prosperity.    * A special technique that automatically attracts Prosperity to you.    * How you can build unshakable self-confidence and courage.    * Power Persuasion – How to get others to do whatever you ask them to do!As you can see, rich people focus on far more than simple business mechanics or positive thinking. In a very real sense, rich people know how to command invisible forces to manifest prosperity at every turn. Keep reading and soon you’ll learn how to do this too. And when you do, watch out world!Although it seems that rich people do very little, they are actually working far more efficiently than anyone else. It’s like the movements of a martial arts master. Quick, to the point, and very effective. Prosperous people never make the mistake of doing something that will have to be done over again, unless there is some other benefit to doing it. Wealthy people know which tasks to do now, and which ones to put off or delegate to others.Here are some of the things you’ll learn from this exciting new book:    * – The 164 beliefs that automatically attract prosperity to you.    * – Why you’re worth as much as you care to claim.    * – How to build unshakable self-confidence.    * – The mechanics of faith, and how to use it to get anything you want!    * – 5 amazingly simple ways to trick your mind into attracting wealth.    * – How to create your own subliminal recordings to program your new prosperity beliefs into your inner mind.    * – How to use creative daydreaming for prosperous results.    * – How to put the creativity into your creative daydreaming.    * – The Keys To Power Persuasion, and how to get anyone to do whatever you want!    * – How to discover your personal pathway to prosperity. There are a million ways to make a million dollars. What’s your way?    * – How to get rich in a business you know nothing about! This is a HUGE secret that rich people almost never share.    * – The Immutable Laws of Prosperity – Helpful hints to assure that you’re working smarter.    * – MUCH, MUCH MORE!!! Get the Whole Keys To Power Mastery System Today!All of the above 5 products have been collected together to form the KTP Mastery System.  Each one is valuable in itself, and yet as a system, they are worth much more.  As a system, they support and reinforce each other to give you maximum results.When you receive your package, you may look at the sheer volume of material and wonder, “Where do I start?”  Here’s my recommendation: Start with the KTP: Power of Intention audio program first.  This one will give you a very quick overview of the Keys To Power system.  It will also give you specific things that you can do immediately that will produce results for you right away.After you listen to the KTP: Power of Intention audio program, follow up by listening to the other 2 audio programs – first the Sharpen Your Focus audio program, and then the Awaken Your Power audio program.  You don’t have to listen to all of these at once.  In fact, you’ll get more out of them by separating them out and giving yourself at least an hour or even a day between audio programs.  The last 2 audio programs will lead you through the 2 most important exercises of the Keys To Power system.  By doing these, your mind becomes clearer, sharper, more in tune with the Power of the Universe.After the audio programs, the next thing you’ll want to do is read the Keys To Power Prosperity ebook.  Of course, you can start here, but I recommend you at least listen to the KTP: Power of Intention audio program first.  With the Keys To Power Prosperity ebook, you’ll get a simple description of the principles behind the Keys To Power system and a good example of how to apply them to a specific purpose – in this case, attracting abundant prosperity.Finally, and last on the list, I recommend you study the Keys To Power – Step by Step course.  The reason I recommend this last is because it is the most detailed and will take the longest to go through.  While you are studying this course, you can be using the techniques and principles of the other products to produce results, and your work with the Step by Step course will improve those results over time.


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