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Alex Moskov – Reality Shifters (15 jpgs – iPhoneAppRip)




Please keep this exclusive – I paid for this app and screen-capped it myself – let’s keep it within the elib community.  Thanks ATTENTION ABERS AND BASHERS (BASHARIANS sounds too weird right?)!Hey guys,This is a basically 4 brief texts taken from an iPhone app called “Reality Shifters.”  I included the menu screens, just like you’d have the cover on a book – not that this qualifies as a book – we’ve probably all written longer book reports than this…but I digress, I captured the screens and cropped them for easier readability and smaller file sizes (without cropping each image was close to 2MBs now it’s 2.99 for the set!).  Anyway given the big-eyed alien imagery and the content and wording, I think it’s safe to say this is geared towards people who like Bashar’s stuff.  It first attempts to teach about the fundamental nature of reality and builds upon that (rather sketchily-laid foundation) a few extremely simple thought-techniques to leverage that understanding of reality to shift one’s present personal circumstances into more preferable ones.  The writing is not so great, but for the most part makes sense (especially if one is familiar with Bashar’s description of reality – e.g. one all-pervasive ‘particle,’ the simultaneity of all time and space, time merely being a shift from one ever-existent state to another…etc)I include all this upfront because I don’t think this information is for everyone, and the presentation is far from perfect.  Nevertheless, I think a few people out there might really enjoy this little “transmission” of bonus “permission slips,” or maybe it’ll solidify some understanding or beneficial belief.  Those are the folks I would urge to download and rate this thing.


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