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Alexander Allman – Teleseminar with Ellen Eatough: “New Orgasm Technology”

Alexander Allman and Ellen Eatough – New Orgasm Technology – Teleseminar.mp3
[1 MP3]



Apart from pitching a brainwave music product they give some nice tips.Alex Allman wrote:”New Orgasm Technology”   I’m always interested in new ideas and techniquesaround sexual enjoyment, and always eager to tryout new things and make new discoveries…   By now, of course, it’s rare that I discoversomething that really is TOTALLY new.  So when Ido, it’s pretty exciting.   Recently some friends introduced me to a womannamed Ellen Eatough who has a patent-pending…and seriously NEW technology that I have never seenbefore… and it’s pretty cool.   Ellen’s basic idea came from a neurologicalconcept called “entrainment” and she did quitea bit of experimentation to come up with somethingthat works.   I thought it was interesting enough that Iasked her if she would do a free teleseminarabout it just for my subscribers… and sheagreed.   This isn’t just some kind of new vibrator,or other “toy”… it’s a completely different conceptthan I’ve seen before that uses SOUND WAVES that aredesigned to react with the BRAIN to put you “inthe mood”.   Ellen says it will stimulate libido in bothwomen and men and based on my early testing of it…I believe she is on to something.   Yes, I have tested it, and I will share myresults on the teleseminar as well.   She also says that her technology can be usedto help women have orgasms more easily andquickly and make orgasms more intense by helpingwomen get out of their mind-chatter and deeplyinto a sexual state.   Sound good?   Yeah, I think so too.   If you’re interested in learning more, I amgoing to interview Ellen, live, for my subscribersonly, on Tuesday night.   I think this is going to be fun and interesting,and if you want to join me for the live call, itwill be free.   You can get all of the details here   The title of the teleseminar is “High Tech Sex”   I believe that there are limited number of linesfor the teleseminar, so if you think you might like tojoin in, I suggest registering as soon as possible toreserve your complimentary seat.   And the link again if you’d like to join in andhear about the new technology is right here:   High Tech Sex   Hope to see you there.   Sincerely,   AlexDownload this ratio free here.There’s a group buy for the product discussed here.You can download the bonuses for that product here.


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