Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul – Letters on Meditation
Letters _On_Occult_Meditation
[ 1CD – 9 MP3 ]
Alice Bailey & Djwhal KhulLetters on Occult Meditation – Table of Contents——————————————————————————–ForewordLetter I – Alignment of the Ego with the PersonalityAlignment of the Ego with the PersonalityAlignment and VibrationThe Chord of the EgoMicrocosmic and Macrocosmic Alignment——————————————————————————–Letter II – The Importance of MeditationThe Importance of MeditationFour Things Meditation Does——————————————————————————–Letter III – Points considered when assigning MeditationPoints considered when assigning Meditation1. The Ray of the Higher Self2. The Ray of the PersonalityA Practical Illustration3. The Karmic Condition of the Threefold ManThe Point in EvolutionThe Specific Gravity and Content of the Causal Body4. Condition of the Causal BodyRelationship of the Ego to the HierarchyRelationship of the Ego to its own DevelopmentRelationship of the Ego to other Egos5. Immediate Need of Period and Man”s AvailabilitySome Word of Cheer6. The Groups, Inner and Outer, with which the Pupil is Affiliated——————————————————————————-Letter IV – The Use of the Sacred Word in MeditationFundamental PostulatesThe Dual Effect of the Sacred Word; constructive and destructiveSeven Great BreathsMeditation and the WordSome Practical HintsPronunciation and Use in Individual MeditationThe Logoic Chord and AnalogyGroup Use of the WordGroups for Specific PurposesThe Seven Centers and the Sacred Word1. Enumeration of the CentersThe SpleenThe Fundamental Centers2. The Growth and Development of the CentersThe Effect of Occult Meditation on the CentersConcluding Remarks——————————————————————————–Letter V – Dangers to be avoided in MeditationThe Withholding of InformationDangers inherent in the PersonalitySome Thoughts on FireDangers to the Physical BrainDangers to the Nervous SystemDangers to the Sex OrgansDangers arising from the Karma of the StudentMicrocosmic PurposeDangers based on National Heredity and Type of BodyDangers attendant on Group AffiliationsThree Types of Affiliated GroupsDangers arising from Subtle ForcesDangers of ObsessionCauses of ObsessionThe Kinds of Obsessing EntitiesDangers from the Deva EvolutionDanger from the Dark BrothersThe Dark Brotherhood——————————————————————————–Letter VI – The Use of Form in MeditationThe Use of Form in Meditation1. The Use of Form in Raising the Consciousness2. Form as used by the Occultist and the MysticThe Mystic FormThe Occult FormOccult and Mystic Forms Clairvoyantly seen3. The Use of specific Forms for specific EndsForms used in Work on the Three BodiesRay FormsForms used in HealingMantric FormsForms used in one of the Three DepartmentsThe Three Lines of Approacha. The Line of the Manub. The Line of the Bodhisattvac. The Line of the MahachohanForms used in calling Devas and ElementalsMantrams of PowerThe Comprehension of ForceMantric Forms connected with Fire4. The Use of Form CollectivelyThe Use of Sound Collectively in Meditation FormsThe Use of Rhythm Collectively in MeditationSpecial Occasions on which these Forms will be employed——————————————————————————–Letter VII – The Use of Color and SoundThe Use of Color and SoundSome Remarks on ColorEnumeration of the ColorsComments on the ColorsThe Esoteric and Exoteric ColorsMicrocosmic and Macrocosmic CorrespondenceThe Basic CorrespondencesColor in the Microcosm and in the MacrocosmEffect on the EnvironmentThe Application of ColorUse of Color in MeditationApplication of Color in HealingHigher Vision and HealthForecasts anent the Future——————————————————————————-Letter VIII – Access to the Masters via MeditationThe Search for the GoalWho are the Masters?What Access to the Master entailsA Probationer”s Three objectsAccepted DiscipleshipSonship to the MasterThe Relationship of Master and PupilMethods of Approach and Effects obtained1. Sanctified Service2. Love and Wisdom3. Intellectual ApplicationFive Effects of Meditation in the Three Worlds1. Seeing the Master and Self within the Cave of the Heart2. Recognition of Vibration3. Bringing through into the Physical Brain Consciousness…4. The Attainment of a certain amount of Causal Consciousness5. Through Sound the Aspirant is aware of Success——————————————————————————-Letter IX – Future Schools of MeditationPreliminary RemarksFuture Schools of Meditation1. The One Fundamental School2. The National Subdivisions of the One School3. The Location, Personnel, and Building of the Occult SchoolThe LocationPersonnel of the SchoolThe Preparatory Occult SchoolPersonnel of the Advanced SchoolThe Buildings of the School4. The Grades and Classesa. The Times of Studyb. Types of Workc. Potencies becoming Powers——————————————————————————–Letter X – The Purification of the VehiclesThe Purification of the VehiclesThe Training of the Physical BodyThe Refining of the Emotional BodyThe Refinement of the Mental Body——————————————————————————–Letter XI – The Resultant Life of ServiceThe Resultant Life of Service1. The Motives for Service2. The Methods of Service3. The Attitude following Action
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