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AMP – 12 Practices For Deep Connection




KEEP THIS ON OR ELSE I WILL VISIT YOUR HOUSE!This is the damaged pdf that is in the Amp Get her world product.Also this pdf was a tiny bonus in GHWSince this is such a small pdf and a very tiny fraction of GHW I will just make it exlusive.Power users and up are free to download. + users from gbUsers from Gb have problems downloading PM me.Any gb members have problems with this file pm meOVERVIEWOFTHECONNECTIONPRACTICES:Like an NBA basketball player drills on the basics to make art in the moment, or amartial artist trains in particular moves, these Connection Practices are your “chops”for creating deep connection and rewarding interactions.As you practice your “chops”, you’ll find yourself putting these pieces together, doing“combo-moves”, and eventually weaving them like a symphony, and as they becomesecond-nature to you, you’ll find yourself making ART in your interactions…!THIS IS AN OVERVIEW, NOT A COMPREHENSIVE MANUALI could write for days about these practices, but the bottom line is that most of thisstuff is NOT best learned from reading about it. Read through the practices, pick acouple to explore for a few days, and give it a shot even if you’re not completely surehow it will land, and then adjust from there.But first, I’m going to share with you an article I wrote a couple years ago for our AMPInner Circle Members that demonstrates several of these practices in a funinteraction I had with a woman at a house party.I’m sharing this story with you to show you:How these Connection Practices apply in a real-world situation – even with a womanwho’s pretty feisty!That this isn’t just a “Decker-only” skill – I didn’t always relate to women like this, but Ilearned it, Decker learned it, and YOU can learn this, too.And since I’m an uber-geek about this stuff, I’ll break down the stages of the AMPHolarchy and the AMP Connection Practices as they come into play during theinteraction – and note them in


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