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AMP – How to get HER world

AuthenticMP Get her world
[72 FLVs – movies, 26 MP3s, 4 PDFs]



THIS IS JUST FOR IF YOU UPLOAD THIS TO ANOTHER WEBSITE I WILL TRACK DOWN YOUR IP, AND VISIT YOUR HOUSE WITH MR. BASEBALLBAT!!!! GROUP BUY AMP – How to get HER world WorldDiscover the Keys to Unforgettable Conversationand Profound Connection…and Say Goodbye to Brain Freeze, Flaking, and Boring Interactions…Getting Her World is a profoundly rewarding experience that so many men intuitively know is possible, and just haven’t tapped into… yet.When you learn to get her world, YOU suddenly have an ability of such immense value-one that so few men have-that the power dynamic changes.When a woman is ACTUALLY UPLIFTED by spending time with you — nourished, because her life is RICHER for having known you – then she’ll return your calls & texts, and even rearrange her schedule to be with you.1) WE’RE GOING TO SHOW YOU REAL-LIFE, UNCENSORED INTERACTIONS WITH WOMEN.So many of you have asked us, “Show us real-world examples! What does authentic relating LOOK LIKE? SHOW US!!”Your wait is over.This new program is not a “stage seminar”, or a compilation of “guru-expert interviews” with the usual suspects that you’ve already heard, rehashing their particular twist on the same old stuff.These are a REAL-LIFE, uncensored INTERACTIONS with real women, in professional HD video, with multiple camera angles to track every nonverbal nuance of the conversation.You’ll watch Decker interact with what many guys would consider to be their “dream girl” — the kind of women most men are both drawn to and intimidated by.You’ll learn by SEEING Decker interact with women, HEARING the exact words he says to them, and actually DO the exercises that will sharpen your focus and your ability to connect deeply with women, whenever and with whomever you wish.About The ProgramGetting Her World is basically 3 programs in one, Karina, Jennifer and Kendra, about 9 hours in total. Originally, we were going to sell each of the 3 programs (Karina, Jennifer, and Kendra) separately. In the end, because we felt it was important for you to see that this works whether you’re single or in a relationship, and with different types of women… so we decided to bundle all three of them together.Watching these real-world interactions will open your eyes to what’s possible in your future interactions — including those rare eye-gazing, soul-connected interactions where it seems like the world has fallen away and all that exists is the two of you in a bubble together…YOU’LL IMMEDIATELY SEE NEW POSSIBILITIESFrom our experience with attendees from our pre-screening, your conversations will take a jump in depth as you watch the videos, do the exercises, and see the new possibilities and directions you can take your conversations.WHAT IS IT WORTH TO YOU TO HAVE THIS SKILL?What would it be worth for you to be able to create an intimate, who-cares-what’s-happening-around-us sort of space with a woman… the kind that leaves her feeling buzzing with elation yet totally safe at the same time… that makes her want to be with you, close to you, again and again?What would it be worth to you to know exactly what to say, how to say it, and how to direct a conversation toward more depth, heart-connection, and turn-on…so that you’ll never have to wonder if she’s just being “polite” when she tells you she had a great time and wants to see you again?What would it be worth to finally have the skills to read a woman and get to know who she really is, at the core, within the first 20 minutes of talking to her? And from this place of power and choice, decide for yourself if she’s someone you’re inspired to invest more time with… instead of playing the frustrating, time & energy-wasting game of cat and mouse with her?The total value of this program is $2564 as you can see above — and these aren’t arbitrary pie-in-the-sky numbers, they’re actually related to equivalent programs we consistently offer.The price of this program is $675.THIS PROGRAM WILL PAY FOR ITSELF…As Decker mentions in the video above, getting someone’s world is a super-power that benefits you far beyond your interactions with women, to ANY situation involving someone whose opinion you care about — nailing a job interview, getting a promotion, landing a sales meeting that you wouldn’t otherwise have gotten – all through learning to get another human being’s world…If your work involves dealing with people, this program is likely to pay for itself.When you take on this program and do the practices, this WILL help you eliminate:   * Not knowing what to say   * Brain freeze   * Flaking and chronic cancelled datesAnd if you’ve struggled with the pain of rejection and beating yourself up for “blowing it” with that one woman or many women, then this is definitely something you will benefit from.Beyond that…Imagine having the super-power abilityto penetrate the veil of routineget past chit-chat to real connection and communicationwith anyone…To be able to turn an ordinary conversationinto a co-created work of ART…Where u are to start first isKarinaJeniferkendrathen all of the other stuff… is no secquence.waiting times:VIP+ : 2 weeksPU/XU : 7weeksU :  The year 3140


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