Andrei Patrushev – Solar Wind
Солнечный ветер
[ 1 CD – 1 FLAC ,1 CUE, 1 LOG, 1 TXT ]
CD “Sunny Wind: color-sound structures in music for deep relaxation and meditation,” was the result of long-term psycho-physiological studies, as a result of which we were able to determine the exact values of sound frequencies and colors (or more precisely – the radiation), corresponding to each chakra. In addition, each chakra has its own specific rhythm and shape of the sound wave.The combination of all these factors, plus sound fractal construction led to the album a very powerful tool for self-development and self-exploration.picV yoga has a circuit of 7 and 9 and 13th chakras. In the visible spectrum person produces 9 colors (except black and white). There is a completely separate yellow-green (when covering the eye is perceived as gold) and two red color (which is well known artists and design professionals, and, in addition, in the red spectral range is the range of wavelengths of double width, relative to other colors) .That is why we used a 9-chakra scheme. Besides Pythagoras himself in his conversations with the students called nine the number of God, and about seven contemptuously said she was, they say, for the mob.Each chakra is in direct interaction (energy exchange) with two other well-defined chakras. This is similar to the rays of light, the amount of which should give (ideally) white light. Thus, as each chakra there are always rays of different colors and different intensity, it generated very many options match any specific color chakra. On the cover is an image of a 9-ray star – this interaction scheme of the chakras. The star of our ancestors called Ingle – the star of life. The top of each beam (chakra) is appropriate to a particular brand of God Slavic mythology.On the drive program are as follows:• Solar Wind• 9 chakras upwards (to activate the effect of kundalini)• Song ChakramovSolar wind – sound vibrations corresponding ripple ionosphere by the solar wind. Helps to relieve fatigue and stress work day, to prepare the brain and entire body to meditate and to ensure perfect relaxation after a heavy physical and mental stress. It is literally a protection from electromagnetic pollution, as the body adjusts to the natural frequency of the Earth’s field.Each chakra – starts with a pure tone corresponding chakra, which gradually accumulate tone two conjugate chakras (forming a sort of chord), and ends with pure tone again. The sounds of the chakras have diagnostic property. From some of the sounds you can appear uncomfortable pulling sensation in the corresponding chakra. This may indicate the presence of certain problems, both physical and emotional, associated with this chakra.In this case, energy balancing and harmonizing expedient to go to the track Song Chakramov, in which the sequence and interaction of sound ratio of all the chakras. This track is a powerful type is generall therapeutic effect by enhancing energy and humoral immune systems.Pure tone is a kind of tuning fork and is designed to identify the specific location of the chakras and customize their own feelings. Lie down on the semi-rigid surface (the best – mattress on the floor), close your eyes, relax, and start listening. Soon you will feel the presence of some (weak pressure, heat, etc.) in a particular place. Remember this feeling and place.Initially, you may prevent a similar but weaker sense in dual chakras, but we need to focus on just one. Before his eyes closed just appear and disappear colorful flashes from which to select a color that corresponds to the chakra, and try to spread it evenly on the entire field of view (many of this color appears immediately and independently fills the visual field). This exercise gives a good rest and recharge the energy the brain, but little effective for the development of the chakras.The development of the chakras is always in conjunction with the two conjugate chakras (when sounds chord). These programs are a very powerful tool for the development of the chakras, which, of course, requires careful handling. So the best way to engage in a group with an experienced mentor. One of the most effective exercises – this chakra breath when you inhale imagine that the flow of prana (the arrow going from one conjugate chakra) is in you through the chakra (and stored in the chakras that you develop), and when you exhale forward it to the other associated chakra. Total training time should not exceed 45 minutes. Before class always drink a glass of clean water.Second glass put together and drink after class. Water plays a significant role in the conduction of nerve impulses. With our general poor nutrition is very often the case dehydration, which can often be the cause of chronic headaches. These audio programs give a very intense strain on the nervous system, so please do not ignore the rule of two glasses of water! Good luck and good health!The album is intended for listening to stereo headphones in combination with closely spaced stereo speakers.Muladhara (the sacred number 4) specific to a particular (Essence). Electromagnetic matrix body (innate performance, physical health). Connection to the Earth. Bio-survival circuit. Programs perception to stay here and now, with a focus on the survival of the body. The control of pain. Color – green. Interacts directly with the Anahata and Vishuddha.Svadhisthanic (sacral figure 2) Private in specific (Essence). Magnetic energy is needed to use the electromagnetic matrix of the body (the reliability of physical health). Emotional circuit. – an awareness of their status mammals (the consciousness of its significance or not significant) in the pack or tribe. False sexual circuit (on Gurdjieff). Control of the vascular system. Color – blue. Interacts directly with the Vishuddha and Ajna.Manipur (sacred number 9) Total in specific (Essence). Manipulative-character path. This so-called , ie ability to receive, integrate, and transform into a thought incoming information. The ability to monitor and concrete content to the speech. Color – blue. Interacts directly with the Ajna and Bindi.HRIT – Heart of Christ (the sacred number 7) specific to the particular (the driving force). Sotsiopolovoy circuit. Adult personality. Contact with his egregore. Energy healing. Love of God. Confidence and self-sacrifice. Faith healing. Inspiration. Talent – the ability to relate to life carefully, to make non-standard behavior and is relatively easy to achieve success. Possible negative one: . Color – purple. Interacts directly with the Bindi and Sahasrara.Anahata – The Heart of Man (sacred number 5) Private at Private (driving force). Intuition in the way of self-improvement (). The possibility of vision causes, effects and consequences in the form of past, present and future events. Holistic neurosomatic circuit. Control of guilt, resentment, bewilderment, emotions and bodily symptoms of the lower contours. Second birth (resurrection) of the body, regeneration, rejuvenation, bliss, ecstasy, rapture, sensory enrichment, joy perception. Multiplication primal. Philosophical gold (the more you give, the more you get.) Color – dark red (magenta). Interacts directly with the Muladhara and Sahasrara.Vishuddha (sacral figure 3) Total private (driving force). The ability to pick up forms for the implementation of the ideas – the practical application of the material world of knowledge. Collective neyrogenetichesky circuit. True emotional center. Akashic Records (phylogenetic unconscious, noosphere). The memory of past lives, reincarnation, immortality. Synchronicity – meaningful coincidences. Survival of genetic memory from generation to generation. . Color – bright red (scarlet). Interacts directly with the Muladhara and chakra.Ajna (sacral figure 1) Specific to the General (Principle). Information on the main line of development of the soul in this life. Circuit metaprogramming – the command center. (by Gurdjieff). The brain, which has awakened the consciousness of itself. it knows it can always reflect something else by changing the angle of reflection .. This . – a divine dance. Color – orange. Directly interacts with and Manipur chakra.Bindi (sacred number 8) in General Private (Principle). Sense of duty, the desire for freedom (through the understanding the relationship with the external and internal world) and responsibility for their obligations. Nonlocal quantum circuit. metafiziologichesky. Begins with the expansion outside of direct perception, which then dizzyingly fast becoming a union with the smallest and largest – . Oneness with God – the unity of . Color – yellow. Interacts directly with Manipur and HRIT.Sahasrara (the sacred number 6) The total in the General (Principle). The ability of the human bioenergy store and convert the energy necessary for creative activity. Connection with the Divine Providence that controls the process of evolution of life on Earth. Shaping circuit, makes a man – a man, a tree – a tree, a planet – a planet. Color – gold (yellow-green). Interacts directly with the HRIT and Anahata.Song of Chakramov – sound vibrations corresponding harmonious interaction of all the chakras. Harmonises the physical, intellectual and emotional spheres and eliminates the distortions caused by overuse of meditation on a single chakra. In combination with the solar wind is a wonderful tool to maintain good physical, emotional and spiritual form.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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