Andrew Chevallier – DK Herbal Remedies
Andrew Chevallier- Herbal Remedies.pdf
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Copyrighted 2009, 292 pages… lots of great medical information and,lots of colorful pictures of plants.. with great organization and presentation – For anyone who wants to learn more about medicinal plants and how to use them at home, Herbal Remedies provides essential information on how to safely use herbal medicines and shows you how to create your own remedies to target common ailments. * Covers over 150 of the most popular herbs available * Includes a reference section that targets 50 common ailments * Features a Directory of Herbs and a Star Rating-System ForwardThe last decade has seen a rapidincrease in the publication of books onherbal medicine. However, it is rare tofind one, such as this, that incorporatesdetails of over-the-counter remedies,written for the general public by apracticing herbal practitioner. AndrewChevallier brings to this book years ofexperience in clinical practice andbook authorship (he is the author ofthe Encyclopaedia of Medicinal Plants—also published by Dorling Kindersley).Andrew is a well-known and respectedmember of the herbal fraternity in theUK, having been in the past Presidentof the National Institute ofMedical Herbalists.The origins of the use of herbsdates back to prehistorictimes, and their traditionalmedicinal use continuesin all cultural groupsthroughout theworld. Manymodern medicineswere inspired byconstituents foundin traditionalmedicinal plants, andsome modern drugs are stillisolated from plant materials.However, the big difference betweenherbal and modern medicine is thatwhile modern medicines comprisesingle chemicals, nature has endowedeach herb with a spectrum of activecomponents, which work synergisticallyto produce a healing effect that cannotbe replicated from single components.Over the last twenty years there hasbeen a resurgence of interest in the useof herbal medicine. There are severalreasons for this, but the main ones arean increasing realization of the limitsof modern medicine, particularly inthe treatment of chronic disease; fearof adverse side effects of prescriptiondrugs, and the increasing support forthe medicinal use of plants frommodern clinical research. However,herbal medicine need not be analternative to modern medicine.Indeed, most herbs are mild medicinesthat work well alongside prescriptiondrugs. Despite media “hype,” trueherb–drug interactions are few andthese are clearly indicated, asappropriate, in this book.Although the treatment of chronicdisease always requires professionaladvice, with minorhealth complaintsthere is a lot you cando for yourself usingover-the-counterherbal preparations.The key to findingsuccessful naturalremedies isknowing whatyou are doingand why. Thisbook provides thenecessaryguidance. Eating a healthydiet is fundamental tomaintaining good health, butherbs have a special role to playwhen minor health problems arise.Sample page “Pumkin Seed”Sample page ” Back to Nature”
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