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Andrew Perlot – Raw Food Weight Loss & Vitality

Andrew Perlot – Raw Foods Weight Loss
[2 eBooks – PDF]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Andrew Perlot – Raw Food Weight Loss & Vitality [2 PDFs]Ebook by journalist Andrew Perlot about how to lose weight and gain health and vitality on a low-fat, fruit based raw diet. Upload contains the bonus chapters about wild fruits and insomnia.From the product page (…)Quote:Who Else Wants the Body, Health, and Energy Levels of Their Dreams?The simple, step-by-step raw food system that lost me 61lbs and cured my intestinal disease”You are what you eat” is so true that it’s scary. You know that if you eat McDonald’s everyday then soon you will end up looking like a Big Mac. But what you don’t know is that even some foods that are seemingly “healthy” like Oatmeal and Milk are actually dangerous for most people. You could suffer from health problems and being overweight your whole life without ever knowing that the food you think is healthy might actually be making your condition worse.


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