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Ann Taylor – Trusting Your Intuition 05-26-201

Ann Taylor – Trusting Your Intuition 05-26-2011
[webrip – 16 MP3s]


This is appearing here as result of a GB thread  and so even though through this and various other contributions by thread participants the need for a Group Buy was circumvented, I still ask that this be kept exclusive to -elib.techThe Trusting Intuition was actually the “bonus” for purchasing ann’ new “miracle” prayer but since it is only one file and the “trusting your intuition” is 15 files. I included the Miracle Prayer(called anns prayer2.mp3) with the Intuition package: Below are the Sales pages for bothDo You Trust Your Intuition?Every successful person does and you can too!Has there ever been a time in your life when you were trying to make a decision, and something inside of you kept telling you to go in one direction, while logic and reason were telling you something else? That feeling, that knowing, that you felt in your body and your gut is your intuition. Sometimes it is hard to listen to this part of ourselves, which stems from the creative right-brain, but it can often lead us places that our more analytical sides simply can’t comprehend. Anyone who is very successful knows how to recognize their intuition, and that success is clear evidence of how important it is to listen to it. Although it isn’t the only factor that leads to success, if you don’t have intuition, or you choose to ignore it, your chances of being successful will be greatly diminished. Ann will empower you have the following three beliefs, as they lay the foundation for trusting your intuition:    * Self-confidence in your ability to trust your intuition    * Belief in yourself and your ability to make good decisions    * No longer second-guess yourselfIn order to be able to trust your intuition you must first be able to hear it! Ann will teach you how to ask for guidance that gets results, and how to recognize your intuition when it speaks to you. Ann’s work is the closest thing to pure magic I’ve ever seen when it comes healing/releasing/removing blocks, old ‘stuff,’ and negative master biography files. One minute the issue is there, and then poof, it’s gone.— Robert ScheinfeldBestselling Author of Busting Loose From the Money Gamenn believes that your intuition is guidance from God. You must have faith and trust in God to receive this guidance. What holds people back from having strong faith and trust in God are negative beliefs they hold onto about this divine source. Ann will be doing a piece of work that will eliminate your most negative belief about God. As you listen to the recording again and again, a different negative belief you have will be eliminated, until you no longer have any negative beliefs about God. During this event you will be imprinted to:    * Have faith and trust in God that God will give you the guidance you need, when you need it    * Know that God loves you unconditionally and only wants for you what is in your highest and best good    * Expect clear guidance from the Divine    * Know that you are worthy and deserve to receive guidance from God    * Have the habit of expecting everything in your life to work out well If you have a habit of expecting everything to work out well, then it is much more likely that things will actually happen that way for you in your life.  This expectation will come naturally and effortlessly to you once this habit is imprinted during the call. During this event, God will create a consciousness for you to know andrecognize when you are receiving Divine guidance. On the call Ann will also:    * Eliminate pessimism    * Give you the habit of being an optimist, as if you’ve had this habit for six monthsWhen you are an optimist all kinds of possibilities open up for you. You know that you can do anything. Being optimistic increases your intuition tremendously. You will be imprinted to take inspired action. This means you aren’t just taking action aimlessly, but that each decision you make will come from a foundation of wisdom and insight. The key here is having a clear intention concerning your inspired action. We will talk more about this during the call. To help you with taking inspired action you will also be imprinted with the wisdom to use your guidance correctly. Ann will also take the time to explain actions you need to take in order to receive clear guidance. I’ve done EFT, affirmations, subliminal recordings, none of these compare to the work that Ann does. The work that she asks God to do gets to the root of the issue and eliminates it. The new way of thinking is so amazing in it’s power.— Kyana


—–Do you Want a Miracle?Ann’s prayer work is legendary.  Literally thousands of people have experienced it and almost all of them long distance with amazing results. This prayer work is worth 10 times all of the other recordings Ann has doneÂ…combined! As you listen to it God will know exactly what your issues are and eliminate them in a systematic way by reprogramming you with a different way of thinking and being. By listening to this recording that takes less than 5 minutes per day your world will be amazingly changed.    “Please pass my warm, fuzzy, loving thoughts on to Ann. I have already felt a lifting in my heart of monumental burdens of every type — in two days!    I am finally, after 16 years of chronic pain and struggle, and numerous obstacles, able to see a ray of HOPE! I had lost that for so many years. And I’m being able to DO and not be frozen. Feels so freaky, but so amazing!!!!”    —Julie For instance I have someone who has been experiencing this work for the last week.  She locked her keys in her car which normally would have set her off and she was calm and actually happy as she proceeded to take care of this.  She’s gotten more done in the last 4 days than she can remember  Her relatives threw her a curve on Easter that normally she would have reacted very negatively to and she was fine.  She’s almost 60 and is really getting a new lease on life.  She’s never had an appointment nor any listened ot any of my recordings.  She heard me on one telesummit..  All this has been accomplished with a prayer every day.This can be you as you listen to this prayer every day.  This person I just spoke of hasn’t; had a happy life and maybe you have not either.  That can all change just as well for you as if has for her simply by listening to the recording every day.  That’s why it is worth 10 times the value of all my other one’s combined.    “I am totally amazed by your Miracle Prayer. I have experienced a True Miracle EVERY SINGLE DAY since I started listening to it! God is truly imprinting me with New Consciousness, and so many things that I once thought were remote possibilities are now becoming very possible!”    —Christina Here are but a few of the issues that this prayer will deal with:    * Renewed faith and trust    * Elimination of certain fears and worries    * Thinking and acting in a way that brings you monetary prosperity    * Find yourself on you’re the path of your life mission and purposeBy listening to this recording 14 days in a row, Ann knows that the value that you’ll receive in a big changes in the way you think, feel and act will be considerably greater than a 1 hour appointment with her which costs $500.00.    “I believe that your newest work, the prayer, has healed two minor health-related issues I had. It’s great that I don’t have to deal with them anymore! I have been blessed with great health!    I also feel that I might have found my life’s purpose. I will have to work on that and see where it takes me!    I am grateful for your work! Thanks for sharing your gift!”    —Desi Because of her genuine desire to be of service and make a contribution she is always asking God to show her how to make a bigger difference in your life. This recording is based on that guidance.This piece of her work actually reprograms you by giving you some very new foundations in the way you think and feel. Then God builds on these new foundations in ways that will astound you.Ann highly recommends that you continue to listen to this recording every day for the rest of your life. You’re either going forwards or backwards and this ensures that you will continue to move in a positive direction in your life.Every time you listen to Ann pray for you she requests that the reprogramming continue for the next 24 hours. Please listen to this first thing when you wake up every morning.The results are phenomenal. After 14 days you’ll hardly recognize yourself.Don’t delay in getting this amazing offer for Ann’s spectacular recording that will miraculously change your life in ways you’ve never dreamed of before. It comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee.    “I have listened to your prayer every morning now for 14 days. I am so calm and at peace. Things that used to easily upset me no longer do.    I can now walk at a normal pace and not get short of breath.    I am eating healthier and losing weight, something I’ve been trying to do for 3 years now, and now it just comes easily without effort. I look in the mirror and smile at myself now. One last thing I forget to mention is I am filled with gratitude and am more appreciative of myself and others!!!    Thank you so much!”    —Robert


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