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Annenberg – Discovering Psychology (reseed)

Discovering Psychology
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I saw this one was DEAD, and I saw I had this one already at my disposal, so I would like to SHARE IT for everyone who wants it so badlyDiscovering Psychology: Updated Editionbelow a short discription of all the videos1. Past, Present, and PromiseThis introduction presents psychology as a science at the crossroads of many fields of knowledge, from philosophyand anthropology to biochemistry and artificial intelligence. With Dr. Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard University and Dr.Emanuel Donchin of the University of Illinois. Updated.2. Understanding ResearchThis program examines the scientific method and the ways in which data are collected and analyzed — in the laband in the field — with an emphasis on sharpening critical thinking in the interpretation of research findings. With Dr.Christina Maslach of the University of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Daryl Bem of Cornell University. Updated.3. The Behaving BrainThis program discusses the structure and composition of the brain: how neurons function, how information iscollected and transmitted, and how chemical reactions determine every thought, feeling, and action. With Dr. JohnGabrieli of Stanford University and Dr. Mieke Verfaellie of Veterans Medical Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.Updated.4. The Responsive BrainHow the brain controls behavior and, conversely, how behavior and environment influence the brain’s structure andfunctioning are the focus of this program. With Dr. Michael Meaney of McGill University and Dr. Russell Fernald ofPrintable Copy: Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition of 4 11/15/2004 7:38 PMStanford University. Updated.5. The Developing ChildThis program traces the nature vs. nurture debate, revealing how developmental psychologists study thecontributions of both heredity and environment to child development. With Dr. Renee Baillargeon of the University ofIllinois and Dr. Judy De Loache of the University of Illinois.6. Language DevelopmentThe development of language has many facets to explore. This program looks at how developmental psychologistsinvestigate the human mind, society, and culture by studying children’s use of language in social communication.With Dr. Jean Berko-Gleason of Boston University and Dr. Ann Fernald of Stanford University.7. Sensation and PerceptionThis program demonstrates how visual information is gathered and processed, and how our culture, previousexperiences, and interests influence our perceptions. With Dr. David Hubel of Harvard University and Dr. MishaPavel of the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology.8. LearningProminent researchers — Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner — have greatly influenced today’s thinking abouthow learning takes place. This program examines the basic principles of classical and operant conditioningelaborated by these renowned figures. With Dr. Howard Rachlin of the State University of New York at Stony Brookand Dr. Robert Ader of the University of Rochester. Updated.9. Remembering and ForgettingThis program looks at the complex process called memory: how images, ideas, language, and even physicalactions, sounds, and smells are translated into codes, represented in the memory and retrieved when needed. WithDr. Richard Thompson of the University of Southern California and Dr. Diana Woodruff-Pak of Temple University.Updated.10. Cognitive ProcessesThis program is an exploration into the higher mental processes — reasoning, planning, and problem solving — andwhy the “cognitive revolution” is attracting such diverse investigators from philosophers to computer scientists. WithDr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University and Dr. Michael Posner of the University of Oregon.11. Judgement and Decision MakingExceedingly complex processes are involved in the making of judgements and decisions. This program examineshow and why people make good and bad judgements, and the psychology of taking risks. With Dr. DanielKahneman of Princeton University and the late Dr. Irving Janis of Yale University.12. Motivation and EmotionThis program reviews what researchers are discovering about why we act and feel as we do, from the exhilaration oflove to the agony of failure. With Dr. Norman Adler of Yeshiva University and Dr. Martin Seligman of the University ofPennsylvania.13. The Mind Awake and AsleepOur varying levels of consciousness empower us to interpret, analyze, and direct our behavior in flexible ways. Thenature of sleeping, dreaming, and altered states of consciousness are explored in this program. With Dr. ErnestHartman, formerly of Tufts University, and Dr. Robert McCarley of Harvard Medical School.14. The Mind Hidden and DividedThis program shows how experiences that take place below the level of consciousness alter our moods, bias ouractions, and affect our health — as demonstrated in repression, discovered and false memory syndromes, hypnosis,and split-brain cases. With Dr. Jonathan Schooler of the University of Pittsburgh and Dr. Michael Gazzaniga ofDartmouth College. Updated.15. The SelfPrintable Copy: Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition of 4 11/15/2004 7:38 PMPsychologists systematically study the origins of self-identity and self-esteem, the social determinants ofself-conceptions, and the emotional and motivational consequences of beliefs about oneself. This program explorestheir methods of discovery. With Dr. Hazel Markus of Stanford University and Dr. Teresa Amabile of HarvardUniversity. Updated.16. Testing and IntelligenceThis program peers into the field of psychological assessment — the efforts of psychologists and other professionalsto assign values to different abilities, behaviors, and personalities. With Dr. Claude Steele of Stanford University andDr. Robert Sternberg of Yale University. Updated.17. Sex and GenderThis program explores the ways in which males and females are similar and different, and how gender roles reflectsocial values and psychological knowledge. With Dr. Michael Meaney of McGill University and Dr. Eleanor Maccobyof Stanford University.18. Maturing and AgingWhat really happens, physically and psychologically, as we age? This program looks at how society reacts to thelast stages of life. With Dr. Laura Carstensen of Stanford University and Dr. Sherry Willis of Penn State University.Updated.19. The Power of the SituationThis program examines how our beliefs and behavior can be influenced and manipulated by other people and subtlesituational forces, and how social psychologists study human behavior within its broader social context. With Dr.Ellen Langer of Harvard University and Dr. Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University.20. Constructing Social RealityMany factors contribute to our interpretation of reality. This program demonstrates how understanding thepsychological processes that govern our behavior may help us to become more empathetic and independentmembers of society. With Steven Hassan, M.Ed., of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center and Dr. Robert Cialdiniof Arizona State University. Updated.21. PsychopathologyThe major types of mental illness are presented. Schizophrenia, phobias, and affective disorders are described,along with the major factors that affect them — both biological and psychological. With Dr. Irving Gottesman of theUniversity of Virginia and Dr. E. Fuller Torrey of the National Institute of Mental Health. Updated.22. PsychotherapyThis program surveys the relationships among theory, research, and practice, and how treatment of psychologicaldisorders has been influenced by historical, cultural, and social forces. With Dr. Hans Strupp of Vanderbilt Universityand the late Dr. Rollo May.23. Health, Mind, and BehaviorThis program presents a rethinking of the relationship between mind and body. A new bio-psychosocial model isreplacing the traditional biomedical model. With Dr. Judith Rodin of the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. NealMiller of Yale University. Updated.24. Applying Psychology in LifePsychology is currently being applied in innovative ways to practical situations in the areas of human factors, law,and conflict negotiation. With Dr. Malcolm Cohen of NASA Ames Research Center, Dr. Stephen Ceci of CornellUniversity, and Dr. James Maas of Cornell University. New.25. Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive neuroscience represents the attempt to understand mental processes at the level of the brain’s functioningand not merely from information-processing models and theories. It relies heavily on an empirical analysis of what ishappening in the brain, and where, when a person thinks, reasons, decides, judges, encodes information, recallsinformation, learns, and solves problems. Cognitive neuroscience allies psychologists, biologists, brain researchers,Printable Copy: Discovering Psychology: Updated Edition of 4 11/15/2004 7:38 PMand others in what is perhaps the most dramatic advance in the last decade of psychological research. With Dr.John Gabrieli of Stanford University and Dr. Stephen Kosslyn of Harvard University. New.26. Cultural PsychologyThis newly emerging field is integrating cross-cultural research with social and personality psychology, anthropology,and other social sciences. Its main new perspective is centered on how cultures construct selves and other centralaspects of individual personality, beliefs, values, and emotions — much of what we are and do. This area hasbecome more important in both psychology and American society with the globalization of our planet, increasinginteraction of people from different cultural backgrounds, and emerging issues of diversity. With Dr. Hazel Markus ofStanford University, Dr. Kaipeng Peng of the University of California, Berkeley, and Dr. Ricardo Munoz of theUniversity of California, San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital. New.


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