Anthony Norvell – How to Develope Your Psychic Powers for Health, Wealth, and Security
How to develop your psychic powers
[2 ebooks(pdf, mobi)]
Twenty-Five Reasons Why This BookWill Help You1. You will learn how to tap the psychic memory bank ofthe universe and discover secrets that can make you healthy,happy and successful.2. You will learn how to have prophetic and clairvoyantvision which will show you how to avoid danger and knowyour future.3. You will be shown how to tune in on the constructivethoughts of other people and use them creatively in your ownlife.4. You can solve your problems through the gift of psychicmediumship.5. You will tap the higher intuitive Mind which will guideyou each day in building your life on safe, secure principles.6. You will learn about psychic projection of thought formsand ideas, which will enable you to reach others in distantplaces.7. Through telepathic communication you will be able toreceive thoughts from other minds which may warn you oftheir actions so you can protect yourself against unscrupulouspersons.8. You can channel any gifts you choose from the CosmicMind and become a writer, inventor, composer, artist orbusinessman.9. You will be shown how to have the all-knowing, all-seeing,all-powerful mind which comes from tapping thethoughts of great geniuses of the past.10. You will be shown how to tap the fountain of youthand have vibrant energy and tremendous reserves of powerso you can have a healthier body and live longer.11. You will learn how to receive the psychic pulsationsof the cosmos through your higher imagination.12. You will learn how to use omniscience, omnipotenceand omnipresence to show you how to discover lost articlesand hidden treasures.13. You will discover the secret of precognition and howto know the future for yourself and others.14. You will discover the mirrorscope of the mind andsoul, which will reflect the great thoughts from geniuses ofthe past.15. You will discover the cosmic life energy and learnhow to channel it into your mind and body for greatermagnetism.16. You will be shown how to put into the psychic portfoliothe events you want in your future life, the money youdesire, the experiences you wish to have and they will materializefor you.17. You will be shown how to use your mind like acamera and projector to imprint everything you desire uponyour psychic centers and then project them to the world ofreality to make them come true.18. You will be initiated into the mysteries of cosmic improvisationsand learn the secret power that can make youas rich and famous as you want to be.19. You will find out about psychic somnambulism andhow you may take Astral journeys into the past or future.20. You will find out about the psychic antenna of yourhigher mind and how to tune in on inspirational thoughtsthat are in the atmosphere or how to read the minds of others.21. You will learn about the spiritual prototype which youcan use to demonstrate unlimited power, money, health, success,love and friendship.22. You can successfully use psychic mediumship to solveyour every problem and be guided to a happy life.23. You will be shown how to create the psychic matrix inyour consciousness where all material things will be formedthat you want to materialize in your outer life.24. You can tune in on cosmic wavelengths as you tune inon radio and television, when you want to receive psychicguidance that warns you of danger and brings you security.25. You will discover the universal secret of cosmic andpsychic programming which will cause you to feed into thecomputer of your higher psychic mind every detail of thefuture life you wish to live.
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