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Anthony Robbins, Chloe Madanes Core 100 Training 2016 – Mastery Unit 1 – Modules 1 to 6

Core 100 – Mastery Unit 1 Modules 1-6
[Webrip – 21 MP4 16 MP3 19 PDF 10 TXT 3 JPG]



Tony Robbins Madanes Core 100 GB GB link: 1: Starting OverKey ConceptsWhat You Can Expect to Get From This Program    To expand your identity and develop the capacity to be an outstanding interventionist and coach and, in so doing, to overcome your own difficulties and challenges.    A working knowledge of the core content of the Robbins-Madanes technologies.    The skills to create strategic interventions and action plans for change in any area of people’s lives.    The skills to understand, to connect and join with others.    A system for capturing and monitoring the progress of those you coach.    A system of ongoing personal development and training.Module 2: Dana & GregKey ConceptsFINDING MEANING AND PURPOSEWe believe that the strongest drive in human beings is the drive for fulfillment, and that all human beings share this need to experience a life of meaning and purpose. Ultimately, however, fulfillment can only be achieved through a pattern of living in which we focus our lives on the spiritual needs: the need to continuously grow, and the need to contribute beyond ourselves in a meaningful way. Unhappiness, emotional distress, and all dysfunctional behavior arise from an individual’s inability to find a way to meet his or her needs in ways that lead to growth and contribution. When encountering a person in crisis, our presupposition is that the person’s life conditions have changed and that they have lost their usual means for meeting their needs. Interventions often focus on helping the person to not only solve their immediate situation, but to also grow and expand their ability to solve problems proactively.Module 3 – Power of YouKey ConceptsSTEP ONE OF THE SEVEN MASTER STEPS:UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE THEIR WORLDThe Seven Master Steps gives you the specific sequence, principles and tools to follow to help someone to permanently transform so that they reach the deepest level of fulfillment possible as well as the greatest opportunity to grow and contribute to others. The purpose of the Seven Master Steps is to give you the power to influence yourself and others, and to consistently produce your desired results. In later modules we will discuss how to use the Seven Master Steps to change relationships.Module 4: Breaking ThroughKey ConceptsTHE TRIADWHAT SHAPES AND CONTROLS THE QUALITY OF OUR LIVES?What controls our lives are the meanings we associate to the things in our lives, which are shaped by our own personal psychology and our world view (the beliefs and values that we’ve created). For example, two people may experience the same event, where one person thinks, “God is punishing me. I might as well die,” and someone else thinks, “God is challenging me. This is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.” The perceptual difference not only affects the quality of each person’s life, but what action they will take next. Once meaning is established, each individual will have a pattern of emotions that they associate to this meaning as their natural way of coping. For example, if one person feels that someone has verbally abused or humiliated them, they may strike back with physical violence. Someone else might believe it is important to save face by pretending the attack had no impact whatsoever. And yet another person may respond to the same situation by trying to hide and protect themselves and work to avoid this person or the situation at all costs. The variance in meanings and emotions people can generate is virtually unlimited. All meanings are driven by our individual patterns of emotions. We all have patterns of emotions. For example, we all know people we like to be around because they always seem happy. We also know people who seem to be continuously frustrated, sad or angry. These emotions are driven by three forces that mold the meanings we take from those emotions – the three primary patterns of emotion called the Triad.Module 5: Leaving HomeKey ConceptsUNDERSTANDING AND CHANGING RELATIONSHIPSUp to now we have focused on understanding an individual’s blueprint – their model of the world. Here we will focus on understanding relationships and we will begin to approach the issue of how to change relationships.Module 6: Power of ConnectionKey ConceptsREKINDLING INTIMACYIntimacy is about each partner letting the other under their skin – physically and emotionally. It’s an opening and a vulnerability which must be earned, not taken for granted, and, once there is intimacy, it must be appreciated, cherished and cultivated. In order to initiate intimacy, especially after a period of distance in a couple, there are steps that you can use in reorienting them and teaching each what the other needs.


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