Ari Bolden – Headlocks And Haymakers
[1 eBook – PDF, 17 MPEGs]
How To Defend Against Common Street Fighter Tactics..To tell the truth I don’t like the physical stuff in this book, but you may get something from it.Foreword says..”This book is a culmination of over ten years of observations, study, andresearch. I’ve been in over 200 confrontations (from fights to brawls), observedhundreds more, and studied thousands of video clips of real life streetencounters. I am a martial arts practitioner, jujitsu instructor and nightclubdoorman by trade.I realized early on in my career that the dynamic and fluid nature of fightsrequires a certain amount of adjustment on the street. I combine my martial skillwith the experience I learned in street confrontations to work to my advantage.I am not a violent person by nature nor do I go looking for fights ‘just forkicks’. In fact, I am not one who enjoys inflicting pain or suffering on others.Those are the people that will be facing you on the street. But, like I always say,‘don’t mistake kindness for weakness.’If you are prepared to open the door, make sure you know what awaits you on the other side.Now, the majority of street level confrontations involve alcohol (or drug)related activities. There are of course criminal level acts of violence that don’tinvolve booze (such as muggings or general beatings), but I can assure you, ifyou find yourself in a confrontation with some screaming idiot, alcohol isprobably a contributing factor.Since I am in the business of nightclub security (‘bouncing’), I get towitness first hand all levels of street combat. Everything from sucker punches tomulti person brawls. I’ve restrained and fought many over the years. Some good,some bad, but all with commonalities that were shared by one another.Often is said of bouncers that their perception of fighting is skewed by thenature of their job. “It’s not REAL violence” chime some critics. “It’s like a stagedarena where you have other bouncers to stop and start fights like professionalboxing matches.”Well, when was the last time you saw a professional fight use bottles, eyegouges, head locks, ball shots, and multi person beatings? Yeah, thought so.The arena in which I work is REALITY. No rules, no time limits, and no tappingout.The only reprieve in a street level confrontation depends on the humanityof the opponent you are facing. If you go down and they don’t want to stop, yournext stop is the hospital or the morgue. I’m dead serious about this. Violenceshatters lives. Being prepared mentally as well as physically is your goal.”
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