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Arsy Vartanian – The Paleo Slow Cooker: Healthy, Gluten-free Meals the Easy Way (2013)

The Paleo Slow Cooker – Arsy Vartanian
[ebook (epub/azw3)]


Arsy Vartanian (Author), Amy Kubal (Author), Chris Kresser L.Ac (Author, Foreword)Book DescriptionPublication Date: March 6, 2013The Paleo diet has been the latest health movement, taking the low carb diet a step further by eliminating grains and legumes and eating only lean, grass-fed meat. In short they consume only what was available to ancient humans or cavemen. The theory says that by eating what human bodies were designed to eat, people will be healthier, have fewer illnesses and lose weight. In many cases, Paleo diet consumers are also fueling their P90X or Cross Fit exercise routines, the two most popular fitness regimes in the country. The health benefits have been supported by major studies. This is a popular trend much like the low carb diet. It is combined with the great bookselling topic of slow cooking. While the cavemen didn’t have slow cookers, they certainly used slow cooking techniques over fires which make the meals in this book one step closer to the origins and theory behind the diet. The delicious dishes are as homey as they are healthy—and ready when you are. 32021i…-ContentsFOREWORD BY CHRIS KRESSERintroductionchapter oneIN-THE-BEGINNING APPETIZERSchapter twoSAVORY, SUCCULENT AND SLOW COOKED BEEF DISHESchapter threeSPICY AND TENDER LAMB FROM THE ANCIENT LANDSchapter fourPERFECT PORK: SUCCULENT FROM THE SLOW COOKERchapter fiveSLOW-COOKED CHICKEN FAVORITES AND OTHER FEATHERED FRIENDSchapter sixDELICIOUSLY DONE DUCKchapter sevenFANTASTIC FISH AND SEAFOOD FOR ANCIENT MARINERSchapter eightPALEO SENSATION SLOW COOKED VEGGIESchapter nineWARM PALEO DESSERTSchapter tenDIRECTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE DIFFERENT LIQUIDS FOR EXCEPTIONAL SLOW-COOKINGRECIPE INDEXINDEX–I haven’t tried anything from this yet but it looks good. Most of the negative reviews on Amazon are because of a few of the recipes having vague or incomplete instructions. I fixed a few of them that were mentioned in the reviews and added the recipes under the chapters using a macro type option when converting it in calibre. You will have to use an app like Calibre that supports nested table of contents for it to show up properly (not ‘kindle for pc’).


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