Ascended Master Kuthumi – Creating Abundance & Wealth Meditation
Ascended Master Kuthumi – Creating Abundance & Wealth Meditation
[1 CD – MP3]
The metatronic Spritual School presents An Archangel Guided Meditation… Tapping into Unlimited Abundance from Lord Kuthumi Narrated By Jill and Glenn HarrisonAscended Master Lord Kuthumi is said to have been a Sikh Spiritual Leader by the name of Sirdar Thakar Sadhanwali in the 1800’s Lord Kuthumi can be calle upon to help you define yyour life’s purpose and help you focus on what matters the most to you. Lord Kuthumi will also help you to see your inner beauty In this guided meditation, you raise your vibrational levels, each time you do the meditation, to help you move closer to spiritual ascension. You will learn to move beyond the ego, and embrace a multi-dimensional living. You may go through many physiological changes whilst working with this activation energy. This energy will help you connect with the collective cosmic quantum energy. This energy will awaken within you, the ability to be the facilitator of abundance and positivism. You will begin to remember aspects of yourself that have lain dormant within your soul’s DNA. Recognise that you are drawn to this teaching at this time, as you are now ready to release past programming, which has brought about addictive, negative behaviour, and attachments to material things. You are going to learn to tap into unlimited abundance, and enter the higher-dimensional self, to manifest universal life-force energy, to break down your previous negative blocks, that have hindered you from receiving your share of abundance in this lifetime. We will work with the angels, to help bring about the necessary changes that are going to take place. All that Lord Kuthumi asks, is that you allow yourself to embrace the energy, and just go with the flow. Do not place limitations on yourself, by expecting to see anything, hear anything or feel anything. Let go, and let God, light, the one conscious energy move through you, and bring about the necessary clearing and healing, to help you raise your vibrational energies, so you may become happier, fulfilled, abundant and healthy. This is one of many meditation CD’s Jill Harrison has channelled from Archangels metatron, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Ascended Master Melchizedek; with many more to come. UNIQUE: This meditation is performed seperately on this disc, by both Jill and Glenn; so that you have a choice of male or female voice to listen to. This also gives you variation, when listening to this meditation regularly. Jill and Glenn are repeatedly told they have HEALING VOICES. In Jill’s recent Archangel Master Class, Level 2; this is what some of the delegates had to say after after similar meditations:- “Jill and Glenn have such soothing, healing voices.” “I realise now, that life is not a rehearsal; and that I can change my destiny.” “I feel so angry that I’ve allowed cicumstances in my life, to take away what I really want to do, to be happy. There are changes that must be made.” Warning: This meditation can be a highly emotional experience. Jill Harrison is an Avatara. An Avatara is a woman who has been chosen by the divine to deliver messages from the angelic realm, to enlighten humankind about what God really is; and how we can become spiritually highly evolved. These meditations have recently been given, by the angelic realm, to raise your vibrational level, so that you can access the infinite life-source energy.
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