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Ashley Galvin – Building Balance : Standing Postures

Ashley Galvin Building Balance Standing Postures
[WebRip – 6 MP4]


Ashley Galvin – Building Balance : Standing Postures is not something we find; it is something we cultivate.Building balance requires strength, stability, flexibility, and engagement. This series helps to develop these elements so you can express them physically in postures and movement while practicing patience and awareness to instill balance mentally in your daily life.Each of the six classes in this series are designed to help you build balance in a different way. The two 15-20 minute classes build a solid foundation of balance by establishing your drishti (gaze or focus point), breaking down balance postures and their progressions, and playing with pose-to-pose transitions. The two 30-minute classes dive deep into the strength and flexibility components of balance. The Strength class focuses on isolation, engagement, and repetitions, while Flexibility explores deep stretches and long holds. The two 45-minute classes introduce balance postures in a flow-like format, allowing you to cultivate balance between poses and transitions.This series has no inversions or arm balances, making it ideal for yogis looking to explore balance without having to go upside down.Workouts    Preview: Find Your Focus    Moderate    Play    2:25   How To Approach This Plan    Moderate    Play    26:44    Find Your Focus    Moderate    This class plays with balance by challenging your drishti (gaze). You will strengthen your body and stabilize muscles while honing your balance through strategic body awar…    Play    17:48   Link & Connect    Moderate    In this dynamic sequence, we work through pose progressions, building your balance as you link one pose to the next.    Play    28:49   Creating Balance Through Strength    Moderate    This class will push you to your edge as you strengthen all of your stabilizing and supportive muscles. We focus on internal engagement so you can move and flow with fluidi…    Play    34:55    Creating Balance Through Flexibility    Moderate    This class will open and lengthen your entire body so your muscles work with you rather than fight against you when you enter into balancing poses in your practice.    Play    47:56   Stand Your Ground Flow    Moderate    In this strong flow class, we focus on mastering balance between poses. We really hone in on cultivating balance through transitions, moving gracefully, and being controlle…    Play    47:23    Riding The Wave    Moderate    This class is full of fun and tricky transitions to keep you on your toes! We will ride the wave of balance as we ride our edge.


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