Ashok Aklujkar – Sanskrit – an Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language
Ashok Aklujkar – Sanskrit – an Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language
[4 Scans – 678 JPG]
Vol. 1. Tools – Grammatical, Part A (1992)Vol. 1. Tools – Grammatical, Part B (1992)Vol. 2. Tools – Lexical (1992)Vol. 3. Tests And Transition (1992)[note: I couldn’t find the tapes, so only 4 books are included] All SEL volumes are to be used together. They are not graded textbooks or readersbut together form a well-integrated whole of grammar, vocabulary and reading that takesthe students to a stage where he/she can begin to read on his/her own the Sanskrit of textslike the Mahå-bhårata. Most textbooks have three or four parts to a lesson. SEL,unconventionally but with considerable forethought, spreads such parts over differentthematic and physical volumes (thematic volumes 1A, 1B and 2 constitute the firstphysical volume titled ‘Tools: Grammatical and Lexicalæ; thematic volume 3 constitutesphysical volume 2 titled ‘Tests and Transitionæ; the arrangement is clearly explained onthe covers of both the physical volumes). Together the SEL volumes become a self-sufficient learning tool which can be usedeven by those who do not have access to a teacher. No additional purchase of adictionary, reference grammar or reader is necessary while one completes the SELcourse. The book assumes no previous knowledge of Sanskrit or any other Indianlanguage or the presence of a teacher capable of teaching adult beginners.Please contribute back by OCRing and Spellcheck/Proofreading this book. I recommend ABBYY Finereader 11 (or similar) for doing this work in a relatively easy way. If you plan to do that please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Please upload back the final pdf. Thank you.Please note that the high quality scan images are posted here for a specific purpose – to make it easy to OCR/spellcheck the book and not spend 100 hours doing that from a crappy, lossy compressed pdfs that are sometimes posted here. So please don’t waste your time asking why this is not a pdf file. Instead please contribute a few hours of your time and OCR and proofread the posted book. Thank you.
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