Ashok Gupta – Gupta Amygdala Retraining
Ashok Gupta – Gupta Amygdala Retraining [DVDRIP]
[6 DVDRIP – MKV, 2 CDS – 6 MP3, 18 PDF, 18 DOCX]
Ashok Gupta – Gupta Amygdala Retraining [6 DVDRIP – MKV, 2 CDS – 6 MP3]this is part of Gupta Amygdala Retraining GBFORMAT: .MKV (HQ x264 codec with chapters preserved and properly named).MP3 (320kbps CBR MP3 with proper tags).DOCX (scanned & OCR).PDF (scanned & OCR).PNG (DVDs covers)THIS IS A elib EXCLUSIVE. DO NOT SHARE ANYWHERE OR BE BANNED!WL has been done. Enjoy!.: Wait List :.- Group Buy’s Contributors: Immediately & Ratio Free!- VIP / ELITE: 2012-04-05- Power/Extreme Users: 2012-04-20- Users (Default Class): NEVERUsers: – You must upgrade your account to Power/Extreme User to gain access to this exclusive material. – You also need to upload 25 GB (or donate enough) AND be a member for 4 weeks. Gupta Amygdala Retraining Programme™Recovering from CFS, MCS, FMS & Fibromyalgia caused by toxic mold exposureQuote:In the very most basic sense, the goal is to stop any wiring circuits that lead to amygdala excitation and stress, and instead create circuits that lead to amygdala inhibition and feelings of health and safety.Note: An excitatory signal increases the activity of the amygdala, and an inhibitory signal decreases its activity (towards a normal response). To be clear, this is not an “either/or” or “on or off” scenario. The amygdala functions on a spectrum of activity. It doesn’t have an on/off light switch… it’s on a dimmer dial. There is no risk of turning off the amygdala completely, only healing it back to a healthy level of sensitivity.Amygdala excitation is any form at all of DESPAIR, FEAR, ANGER, RESISTANCE, or any need for PROTECTION. Any form of STRESS at all.Amygdala inhibition is the opposite: HOPE, GRATITUDE, COMPASSION, ACCEPTANCE, and a feeling of SAFETY. What is the opposite of stress? EASE? (As opposed to dis-ease.)If You Feel……………. Then RE-FOCUS on:DESPAIR ===================> HOPE FEAR =====================> GRATITUDE ANGER ====================> COMPASSION RESISTANCE =================> ACCEPTANCE need for PROTECTION, DEFENSE ======> SAFETY, SECURITY STRESS ====================> EASE* * * * * * *A PATTERN basically is the pathway that starts at the point of STIMULUS, which is turned into a MEANING, and then triggers a RESPONSE. STIMULUS = Anything that you sense, coming from within or outside of the body. Odor, noise, light, vibration, temperature, energy, itchiness, pressure, ideas conveyed to you through speech, body language, or written word. Your own spontaneous thoughts can also serve as stimuli.MEANING = This is the tricky part… identifying the meanings; difficult to explain… an example might be more useful. E.g. If I smell perfume (stimulus), I can assign the meaning of “Oh shit! Pain! Toxic! This is damaging my brain! This person is so stupid!,” or I can assign the meaning of “Oh hell yeah! Sexy! Smells wonderful! This person really takes care of herself and wants to make a good impression!” This happens automatically at first, but this is what we are working to change with our conscious mind.RESPONSE = I like to replace that word with SENSATION, which can mean either a bodily EMOTION (such as when you feel “butterflies in the stomach,” a “sinking heart,” a “lump in the throat”) or in the case of CFS/MCS, a SYMPTOM. Gupta includes thoughts and behaviors as responses.This is where the positive feedback loop comes in to play: the response can then act as a stimulus. In this case, “positive” is not a good thing, as we are continuously adding more fuel to the amygdala inferno.So basically, you notice a stimulus, and/or you have a negative thought. But now you’re being mindful, so you STOP the negative thought (gently and with gratitude for the work your amygdala did in protecting you in the past) and change it to a positive thought AND the bodily sensation of health and well-being (this is where visualization comes in handy). * * * * * * *Gupta created the Amygdala Retraining Technique and the Accelerator Technique to break these patterns. These involve body movements, eye movements, language, self-coaching, and visualization. Ancillary tools included are various meditations and breathing techniques. He also offers hours of instruction that explain the details of the hypothesis and guide participants in how to use the program through the many varied situations and stages of illness that arise. Many of these details are discussed throughout the Planet Thrive Gupta Amygdala Retraining™ Support Group.There are many ways to rewire the brain. Another method many of us have been using is EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Technique (be sure to use the 9-gamut technique to integrate all brain areas; some practitioners leave this out). The challenging part still lies in identifying the stimuli and patterns, so the instructional portion of the program is integral even if one chooses to practice EFT in lieu of the ART or Accelerator. Any MINDFULNESS exercises you might find online or in books will be helpful in developing the skill of identifying patterns. Some mindfulness gurus, like Eckhart Tolle, will say that once you have become aware, you have broken the pattern. I believe that most of us with EI will agree that we need more active techniques, though we can find some comfort in knowing that awareness is the most important step. GRATITUDE LISTS or prayers and COMPASSION MEDITATIONS or prayers are helpful practices.Quote:Ashok Gupta – Gupta Amygdala Retrainingwww.guptaprogramme.comGupta Amygdala Retraining™ is a brand new powerful treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME, Fibromyalgia, and associated conditions.This new treatment has been developed by Ashok Gupta, a well-known researcher and therapist in the field of ME/CFS, who has dedicated the last 10 years of his life to understanding and treating the condition. He suffered from ME/CFS himself around 10 years ago, and has now been 100% better for many years. He runs a clinic in Harley Street in Central London, where he successfully treats patients with the condition.His latest programme of recovery is now available as a fully interactive DVD programme, which contains 12 interactive sessions with Ashok at his clinic, giving you all the tools and techniques required to help you recover from ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia. Now finally this ground-breaking treatment is available to everyone in the world at an affordable price. Please note that although a lot of the research has been focused on ME/CFS, we have found the programme to be just as powerful for Fibromyalgia as it is for ME/CFS, and we are looking to conduct trials for Fibromyalgia as well.The programme of recovery is reinforced with a 3 month Follow-Up Coaching Programme which is available with Ashok Gupta on a group conference call (click here for more information), or with one of our experienced practitioners, details on the contact page. A package discounted price for the DVD programme and 3 month follow-up coaching calls is available, please click here for more information.We have now completed the one year Observational Clinical Audit Study on 33 patients, and this has shown that 93% of patients improved, and two-thirds (67%) went on to make a full recovery, or close to that mark. Most of these patients are now back in full time work. Click here to view the published medical paper.Although this is a drug-free therapy, Ashok clearly states that ME/CFS is a real physical condition, with real physical symptoms. This is based on his medical paper which was published in a medical journal in 2002. The explanation is based on the role of a brain structure called the Amygdala, which Ashok believes keeps the body in a permanent imbalanced state, causing all of the symptoms. You can read more about his explanation of ME/CFS on this website.see medical paper online!This treatment is NOT any of the following: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Reverse Therapy Psychotherapy Lightning Process Pacing therapy Mickel Therapy Positive Thinking Basic Relaxation Hypnosis or HypnotherapyThe techniques used in this programme are very different to conventional techniques, and are drawn from many spheres of therapy. They incorporate NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques, meditative techniques, mindfulness techniques, yogic techniques, and many others. The tools and techniques have been custom designed to address the amygdala-based patterns which are occuring in ME/CFS, and therefore cannot come under one particular banner. Some of the processes can really only come under the banner of “Amygdala Retraining” techniques, and therefore it is difficult to describe the techniques without actually being taken through them. Once someone has bought the DVD programme, there is follow-up coaching and support available with one of our experienced practitioners, who are all people who have been through the programme and recovered 100% from ME/CFS themselves.
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