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Authentic Man Program – Power of Presence DVDs and pdf

AMP Power of Presence
[3 DVDs – XVID]



In a nutshell, this download includes 3 very high quality video XVID files plus the pdf training manual of the first release of the famed Authentic Man Program. This series is called the Power of Presence, and it’s all about inner game. The files are big, but they are totally worth it. Below you’ll find the dvd descriptions and more on the program.One last thing … please help me become a trusted user! Vouch for me gentlemen and enjoy this download! experiential, interactive 3-DVD set covers THE FIRST and most important piece of solid Inner Game: Presence.It’s PACKED with the no-B.S., concrete, real-world training material from our sellout $2,000+ AMP weekend intensives. The insights and breakthroughs you’ll receive from this can directly impact your interactions with women, IMMEDIATELY.Learn how YOU can turn women into a giddy, giggling mess that has you enjoying each other more & more.   Learn the practice that will have women stop their conversations and turn to welcome you as you approach, without you saying a word.Learn why men who do specific physical practices are better able to approach radiant, gorgeous women. (We’ll show you these practices, so you can do the same)Ever had a difficult time getting a second date with a woman you really liked? Chances are you didn’t take THIS aspect of her experience into account. Discover what has women eager to see you again.How to “gift” a woman with such a depth of Presence, even for a moment, that will have the most “short attention span party girls” remembering you for the rest of the night.A way to authentically handle “screwing up” that actually has her feel MORE trust, connection and attraction for you. Learn the subtle shift of attention that allows you to experience yourself through her eyes. (This is absolutely key for having natural, flowing interactions with women)Identify emotional blocks that are screwing over your interactions with women, and learn how to resolve them without years of therapy. (You’ll quickly learn how being ‘authentic’ is as “alpha” as it gets).If you’ve ever been LJBF’d (Let’s Just Be Friends), chances are you’ve been holding back. Learn a way to access your masculine power that will keep you out of the “just friends” category.How to sharpen your Presence in a way that has women veering out of their way to bump into our AMP grads to get their attention. (No funny hats or flashy belt buckles required!)Learn how to focus your Presence into a compelling inner force that has women feeling exhilarated and alive, just by being around you.   When sharpened, your dates will feel like you’re already making love… Learn how to be with women during sex that will have them want to give you EVERYTHING. (Sex will never be the same again) Learn how when you “polarize” your masculine energy women are naturally drawn to you. See how a participant demo follows our coaching and leaves a woman so ‘drawn in’ that she’s actually at a loss for words… and loving it. Learn to enjoy being Present, for its own sake, having nothing to do with women and watch the benefits ripple out into all the areas and relationships of your life.Plus, bonus footage of us working 1-on-1 with participants, where you’ll: See how Jason taps into both his heart AND his raw sexual desire and rocks a woman’s world. Watching this will help you “get it” for yourself. Watch as Victor discovers how quickly women will see right through a smile to the real truth of your emotional state. Women will never, ever trust you until you get this. (We’ll show you how) Watch Chip engage in the classic AMP exercise to get you “out of your head” and into your body, accessing your killer core. You’ll be almost as amazed as she is to see his inner shift. Watch Scott learn how to let down his emotional” body armor” – the protection that keeps him away from true connection with women. See how much the women open up to him as a result.


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