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Automatic Intuition

Automatic Intuition
[2 eBooks – PDF, 4 audio – MP3]



Automatic Intuition: Intuitive Training ProgramOne of the best resources I’ve used to study and develop my intuitive and psychic abilities is Slade Roberson’s Automatic Intuition Program. It’s an excellent and comprehensive resource if you’re looking to develop your intuition and psychic abilities, particularly if you intend to acquire professional-level intuitive skills. These skills are useful not only for budding professional intuitives but also for those looking to integrate an intuitive component into a service such as coaching, counseling or healing work.This is THE course that pushed me over the edge and got me started doing readings. I bought it back in December 2009 and still refer to it today. Its highly practical approach along with Slade’s encouraging, can-do attitude gave me the tools and the confidence I needed to get the ball rolling. Slade makes learning to do intuitive readings seem as easy as learning to bake a lasagna. Of course it takes time, effort and practice to develop your abilities, but he convinces you that you too can do it if you stick with it.In the course you’ll find:    * 196-page instruction manual    * 4 Audio CDsThe Automatic Intuition Program will ease you into doing full-blown intuitive readings no matter what level you’re at. Absolute beginners who aren’t ready to wing an entire reading by pure intuition will appreciate that Slade covers the use of divination tools such as oracle cards, pendulums and astrology to establish a basic foundation of information to present in a reading. You then “fill in the gaps” and flesh out the information using any number of intuitive techniques that rely more on your raw intuition. Over time, as your intuitive abilities develop, you rely less on divination tools and use them only as a check to confirm the information you receive through raw intuition.Slade doesn’t waste time covering theory, spiritual woo-woo or other platitudes. He cuts straight to the chase, by giving you practical tools that you can use to consistently and reliably conduct readings. He throws a lot of tools your way – there are at least seven major intuitive techniques covered in the course, of which you may only need two to perform a full reading.It’s as though Slade sends you the whole hardware store so that you can choose the tools you like. The techniques vary in difficulty and level of raw intuitive ability required. Over time, as your skill develops, you’ll feel increasingly comfortable using advanced techniques that rely more on raw intuitive ability.My favorite technique in the course is Automatic Writing, whereby you write or type out a number of your own or your client’s questions, set a timer, and answer the questions within the short time constraint allowed. Because you don’t have much time to think, Automatic Writing forces you to trust your intuition and instincts rather than your logical, analyzing mind.


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