Barbara Ann Brennan – Hands of Light Healing Series
Barbara Brennan – Healing Series
[ 15 CDs – MP3s]
For over 25 years, Dr. Barbara Brennan has operated a highly respected healing school in the United States that is dedicated to the evolution of the human spirit through education, healing and world service. All who have chosen this unique institution of learning have been profoundly affected by an enlightening system of personal transformation and healing.Channeled Healing Series“These CDs were recorded duringchanneled healing events in which I channeledhealing energy to the audience. Grouphealings centering around the theme of theCD titles took place during thechannelings. This flow of healing energy comesthrough these CDs as you play them. Byopening to this flow of healing energy, you canalso receive it. Marjorie’s beautiful channeledharp and the channeled words from my guideHeyoan will help you open into the greatdepths of your soul for personal healing.“Although the titles of the CDs may notappear to be connected, there is a definiteprogression to the body of work that Heyoan isteaching in this Channeled Healing series. Heteaches by lifting you into the actualexperience of what he is teaching, while he isteaching it. The words are, in most cases,rather simple, yet they profoundly touch thecore of your being, when presented with thechanneled healing energy and the upliftingharp strings. This is holographictransformation and healing. I offer them toyou with all my heart and faith in your abilityto heal.” Barbara BrennanChanneled Healing Series Vol. 1In Volume One, Heyoan lovingly presents youwith a brilliantly centered and broader self-view. He teaches you a new way to handleyourself: with honor and respect. He showsyou how to lovingly hold yourself as a sacredbeing of light.CD 1A: WonderB: Honor Those Before YouCD 2A: Honor the truth of who you areB: Abide in the holiness withinCD 3A: Longings of the Human HeartB: Creativity Through Self ForgivenessChanneled Healing Series Vol. 2In Channeled Healings, Volume Two, Heyoantakes you into a new understanding of yourbasic human needs and explains how they areconnected to your sacred spiritual longing thatleads you through your life. He explains howyour wound is connected to your life’s purposeand how healing it releases your creativity andhelps you reconnect to our sacred MotherEarth. Heyoan then declares his Spiritualmandate for a New World.CD 1A: Great Expectations, Basic NeedsB: Personal and Spiritual NeedsCD 2A: Your Wound Leads You to Your TaskB: Healing and CreativityCD 3A: Mystery of the MotherB: Spiritual Mandate for a New WorldChanneled Healing Series Vol. 3In Volume Three, Heyoan teaches you ways tounderstand how you limit yourself with thestories you habitually use to explain yourselfand offers broader ways to understand themby connecting them to archetypes and to thespiritual world. In Global Mindand Global Family, he lifts you into animmediate, living connection with all beings onEarth. Then in Heart’s Doorway, he gives youthe key to personal freedom that leads you toyour Life’s Destiny.CD 1A: Your Five StoriesB: Five Stories, Five GuidesCD 2A: Global MindB: Global FamilyCD 3A: Heart’s DoorwayB: Your Life’s DestinyGuided VisualizationCD 1 – Chakra Tones (with full-color illustrations) Chakra Tones, with voice and harp, will charge and clear your energy field. This is a great way to start your day! It is also ideal for use before, during or after exercising.CDs 2 – Traveling Through the Body & Energy Field After describing the anatomy and function of the human energy field, Barbara takes you on a powerful journey of self-healing through your physical body and your energy fields – excellent for self-healing at any time.CD 3 – Memories With a broader explanation of what memories are, Barbara’s guide Heyoan guides you to clear your past, release your creative pleasure force and expand your self-experience. This Compact Disc is perfect for evening reflections.Lecture Series Vol. 1Barbara gives a fascinatingoverview of the learning and personal processon which you need to focus when enteringyour path of healing. This includes suchexciting and inspiring topics as: going home toyour real self; self-honesty; personal process;learning healing tools such as High SensePerception; living on the edge of not knowing;riding the crest of the wave of discovery; anduncovering the unique healer within you.Barbara then teaches the basic principles ofhealing, how healing energy works and how itrelates to your energy system, as well as theinteraction between a healer’s and client’senergy systems. She goes on to explain howthese basic principles of energy healingfunction through your human energy field, oraura – which is the foundationof your physical life on this planet.CD 1 – Overview of Brennan Healing Science®CD 2 – Basic Principles of HealingCD 3 – Healing Through the Human Energy Field
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