Beginning to Draw – The Foundation of Art
[3 CD-AVI ]
Drawing is the foundation of visual art. Acquiring the fundamentals of drawing enables you to grow as an artist consistently improving and strengthening your drawings and paintings rather than lurching from crisis to crisis. Many artists, particularly those who lack the foundational skills of drawing, find themselves making the same errors over and over again unable to realise their ideas in concrete form. “Beginning to Draw” DVD Workshop is accessible to everyone. It is a self-contained education designed for both home and class study. The content of “Beginning to Draw” is equal, and more!, to a 12-week college-level foundational art course. The critical matrix of realist drawing that every artist should master is proportion, shape and plastic form (the rendering of 3-dimensional illusion upon a flat plane – your paper). “Beginning to Draw” DVD Workshop not only shows you how to draw but TRAINS YOU TO DRAW WHAT YOU SEE! This is an important distinction. The first 2-hour DVD in the workshop is your Basic Training. Here you are trained in acquiring the skill to assess proportion and shape with a consistent accuracy. The second 2-hour DVD is Plasticity: Form & Structure. Each successive tutorial and exercise builds upon the previous. You begin with a very simple object and progress to the still life acquiring the skills and knowledge to competently render 3-dimensional form with increasingly sophisticated approaches. The third 2-hour DVD is The Cast: An Introduction to Portrait Drawing. Beginning your portrait studies from the cast has many advantages; the most important of which is the elimination of symbolic preconceptions – the primary psychological barrier to rendering realistic portraits.”Beginning to Draw” DVD Workshop is designed specifically for home study and for the absolute beginner.Beginning your art career with the proper foundational skills of drawing will save you years of frustration and false starts (and, I might add, thousands of dollars in tuition).The Contents – A sneak preview* An Historical Overview of Drawing* About Perception – Training our eyes to see* The Arabesque – starting our training * Part 1: Proportion and sighting exercises * Part 2: Shape exercises* Basic Drawing tools – the Pencil for professional use* Modeling Form – cross-hatching exercises and development. Skills and technique* Constructing a black box* Introduction to developing plastic form – the illusion of three dimensional space on a flat plane – The Egg. Skill development – using a kneaded eraser* The Bottle – tonal approach to rendering form. The Figure/ Ground relationship. Introduction to Vine Charcoal. Skill development – the Mahl Stick. Composition: Constructing a Golden Rectangle* A few notes on 1 and 2-point perspective* The Still Life with 3 objects. A demonstration in Black conte. – Making and using a “viewfinder” as an aid to determining the pictorial field – How to render multiple objects as a singularity vis-ŕ-vis positive and interspace (negative space)* Drawing the Plaster Cast – an introduction to the Portrait in Black conte. Skill development: using the plumb bob to establish vertical relationships and angles and putting it all together* Conclusion – we’ve come a long way
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