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Benjamin Iobst – Seven Metals: Singing Bowls of Tibet

Benjamin Iobst – Seven Metals – Singing Bowls of Tibet
[1 CD – 2 FLAC]



This beautiful & faithful recording of 25 Tibetan singing bowls is superb for relaxation, massage & bodywork, deep sound meditation, Yoga relaxation & more.[url][/url]  (clickable link not working for some reason, just copy&paste it to check for more info)”. . .the discovery of SEVEN metaLS has just expanded the field. . .of choice titles that utilize Tibetan singing bowls. . .” — Lloyd Barde, BACKROADS MUSIC”Seven metals explores the amazing sounds of resonant bells. It is a sound adventure for the spirit” — Don Campbell, THE MOZART EFFECT”Seven metals is pure sound that is the most relaxing, meditative and transportive album I’ve ever heard. Benjamin Iobst has recorded the sounds of tranquility!” — Richard Fuller, Sr.Editor – metaPHYSICAL REVEIWSThis is an = extraordinary recording of Tibetan Bowls performed by a master of this = tradition. It’s one of my favorites. I highly recommend it for great = sonic journeying.” –Jonathon Goldman, AUTHOR OF HEALING SOUNDSUploader’s comments:I love singing bowls and this one is my second favorite CD next to 33bowls check my 3rd favorite singing bowls:


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