Bill Wead – Second Opinion – Lapacho and the Cancer Controversy (1985)
Bill Wead – Second Opinion – Lapacho and the Cancer Controversy (1985)
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Description to be a very rare book, the only description I found is here:Foods that protect against cancer with their enzymes and nutrients, could well be the very ones that can beat it as well. This contrasts with the government, drug industry and FDA, who practise legalistic nonsense against alternative/complementary medicine, a game of “keepaway” of efficacious cures that could save lives.Recently for example, Health Canada has made selling the herbal Lapacho tea illegal and are teaming up with drug companies to try and limit health products. Naturally, the drug companies want a slice of the action. It’s all about Money! Substances such as these have been used for centuries and cannot hurt anybody normally, but even with these, there is the right and wrong way. It has probably cured many as evidenced by numerous case histories in “Second Opinion” by Bill Wead. Health food stores keep this book on their shelf in a surprising number of cases. One of them loaned me the book. I wasn’t sure if the book was available to you so I copied a few excerpts for your benefit. Apparently the book is not offered on When and if it becomes available, I will post a link here.In every case that radiation or chemo is used the patient got worse. In every case but one, (she discontinued the tea when she was cured) Lapacho tea cured the patient. Imagine the effect if you used this tea (which obviously supplies the body with some deficient molecules) with a complete change in lifestyle according to Dr. Day’s 10 natural laws of health which reverse the cause. Cancer is a deficiency disease – and it is not a deficiency in radiation (which causes cancer) nor chemical poisons that cause trauma to even normal cells as evidenced by hair falling out and terrible pain, blindness, paralysis etc. It may be possible to plug in a deficiency through for example drinking carrot juice or other sources of nutrition. A case in point is out of Bill Wead’s book: “…The only hope left for Todd (brain tumors) was chemotherapy. (Radiation did no good, but did a lot of harm, affecting the boy’s petuitary gland and growth. The doctors did not feel the side affects were important enough to warn the Crests about beforehand. They were wrong!) …There was a new drug the doctors said, with which they had had a 50 percent success rate in children. They wanted to try this drug on Todd. Liz and Bill were willing to try anything to see their son well. They agreed with the doctors to the chemotherapy treatments…She remembers it as one of the most horrible experiences of her life. In a panic she watched as her child went into violent hallucinations and became sick. The drug was so greatly affecting Todd’s respiratory system he could not breathe. The eight year old child fell into a panic of fright and horror.The Crests were furious with the doctors. Giving their child a drug which produced such a violent reaction, simply was unconscionable. The drug itself had created an almost intolerable situation for Todd. After all, these drugs are poisonous to normal cells.Soon after taking the chemotherapy Todd lost his sight completely. It was heartbreaking to his mother to watch her beautiful young child feeling his way around in darkness. At this same time, Todd began to drag his right leg and encounter other difficulty in walking.Liz and Bill Crest were not sure what had happened to their son. They did not know or understand the medical reasons for what was going on. They did not know that the latest treatment for their son’s cancer had, as far as they were concerned, cost Todd his eyesight and appeared to be causing him to lose the use of his right leg. The chemotherapy that was to heal their child had done harm and induced in Todd a terror that had never been there before.The angry parent confronted Todd’s doctors. The doctors had told the Crests that they had a 50 percent success rate with the drug that they were using on Todd. Mr. Crest asked the doctors just how many children had taken the drug. What was the 50 percent success based on? A rather embarrassed doctor shamefacedly told Liz that the total figure had been six. Todd was only the seventh child to whom the hospital had administered the drug.In a flurry of disillusionment and anger the Crests informed the doctors that Todd would no longer be used as a guinea pig.” The rest of the story ends like most of the others in the book. The search for alternatives was with no background in alternatives to fall back on, as the Crests had always followed the structures of orthodox medicine. A nurse who had seen Todd’s charts sent a messanger with information about Lapacho tea. The nurse was right in being careful, for if the doctors found out, she would lose her job. Todd refused to drink the tea, so Liz found a concentrated form of it and added it to his orange juice… and everything else he drank.” The doctors told the Crests that Todd had only six months to live. A few months of the tea and Todd’s eyesight began to return and a general improvement in his health was noticed. Between May and October, Todd’s health totally returned as far as the couple could tell. So much for chemo and radiation, and lying doctors! The brain scans costing $600 each and the treatmenst are all things of the past. Lapacho tea is now served as coffee once was, as the beverage of choice in the Crest family.It is sad that the Canadian government prodded by the drug companies and their cronies, so called doctors, wants to take away this and other natural products. It is illegal to sell in Canada, so the name has been changed and it is still available. It must be embarrassing for those doctors who are supposed to be almost gods, to be put to shame by a South American tree bark called Lapacho. How can these doctors look at themselves every day in the mirror?The nurse who spread the word did so underground. This is the only way the information can spread. The internet must be a real bee in the drug companies’ bonnet. That is why they are paying government officials to change the laws. Anyone who opposes this system is labelled a fanatic, a dangerous rebel. Once a cure has been achieved, the causes must be addressed or the disease could return. Lifestyle and eating habits are important since we cannot keep repeating the same things that caused the illness to begin with. More important than “right to die” is “right to live.” That is what this page is all about.Please contribute back by OCRing and Spellcheck/Proofreading this book. I recommend ABBYY Finereader 11 (or similar) for doing this work in a relatively easy way. If you plan to do that please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Please upload back the final pdf. Thank you.Please note that the high quality scan images are posted here for a specific purpose – to make it easy to OCR/spellcheck the book and not spend 100 hours doing that from a crappy, lossy compressed pdfs that are sometimes posted here. So please don’t waste your time asking why this is not a pdf file. Instead please contribute a few hours of your time and OCR and proofread the posted book. Thank you.
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