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Blackdragon – The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual

Blackdragon – Ultimate Open Relationships Manual
[Webrip – 1 AZW3, 1ePub, 1MOBI, 1 PDF, 2 MP3’s & 1 xls]



**** elib Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!After  lot of EFFORTS this exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Blackdragon – The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual GBThis GB is CLOSED – – The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual + BonusesInfo:Find More Posts from this user in this forum Announcing New Book! The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual – by BlackdragonFor the last several months, I have been working night and day on the most important book ever written (behind The Unchained Man). This new book, The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual has great meaning for me, and it will change your life if you are open to its concepts.Of all the books I have ever written, this one was the most difficult to write, and the most comprehensive in within its topic. Getting laid is simply a flowchart process of “do this at this time” and “don’t do this.” Relationships are far more complicated and nuanced. There are so many variables, situations, obstacles, and rewards, and I wanted to include all of them in this new book.This book officially replaces my older relationships ebook, How To Have And Create Open Relationships With Women. That book was written back in 2010 with some updates in 2012. Needless to say, over the last seven years I’ve gotten much better at this, and have amassed a huge amount of new data, techniques, and skills. The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual uses information from the old ebook, this blog, my own notes, journals, spreadsheets over the past eight years, and much of the feedback I’ve received from so many of your success stories (and problems), as well as several things I’ve always wanted to write in book form that I haven’t before.This is the longest and most comprehensive book on relationship management I have ever written, or will ever write. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, The Ultimate Online Dating Manual was 68,000 words long. Get To Sex Fast was 80,000 words. The Ultimate Open Relationships Manual is over 106,000 words! And it’s the same price!I consider this the most important book I have ever written outside of The Unchained Man. Dating and seduction skills are critical, but relationship management skills are even more important, since you’ll use those more over the course of your lifetime than the every-once-in-awhile need of getting laid skills.This is one giant manual that describes how to manage a long-term, nonmonogamous relationship in great detail, from the moment you’ve just had sex twice to ten years down the road with her. It covers all relationship types in detail: FB’s, WD’s, MLTR’s, and an entire separate section on OLTR management.Here’s just a few things that you will learn from this book:A simple to follow, step-by-step system on how to get any type of woman, even normal, girl-next-door-types, to date long-term while you are sleeping with other women and not lying about it. No “screening” for certain types of women are necessary.How to structure a lifestyle where you can have sex literally whenever you want without having to “date,” constantly pick-up girls, pay hookers, move in with a woman, or promise monogamy.How to date any number of women or any configuration of women you want.How to start off a relationship correctly, so you have minimal relationship drama or demands from her, starting at day one.A huge and detailed analysis on the three types of oneitis, what they are, and how to manage and avoid them. This is the most detailed, comprehensive analysis regarding oneitis and how to avoid it that I have ever written.The nine cardinal relationship rules guaranteed to get her to see you while you’re seeing other women with minimal drama. These nine rules are the foundation for everything else.The four phases of exactly how to take a “normal” woman who’s never had a nonmonogamous relationship and bring her into one with you.How to keep women coming back to you even if they leave you for another guy. With the techniques in this book, they will always come back to you (or at least 94% of the time).How to effectively deal with betaization, EFA, relationship ASD, and Disney.Exactly how to answer the tough questions during the relationship about other women, with some exact scripts on what to say and how to say it.How to handle social situations with the women in your life.Specific techniques on how to be good in bed and bring a woman to orgasm. This is the most detailed description of sexual techniques I have ever written.The most detailed analysis and how-to description of soft nexting I’ve ever written; better than you’ll find anywhere else, and completely updated.An entire chapter on jealousy management; how to reduce, control, manage, and perhaps even eliminate your jealousy with seven specific techniques on exactly how to do it, far beyond anything I’ve written about this topic anywhere else.Exactly when and when not to spend money in the relationship, as well as techniques on how to save money.Specific techniques on how to manage texting and phone communication at all stages of the relationship.An entire chapter on OLTR management with specific techniques and mindsets unique to that kind of relationship.How to use tools such as social media to keep women in your life for many years.Specific techniques to keep her sexual attraction for you at maximum levels at all times.How to deal with a woman’s “relationship rules” if she ever tries to give you any (and she probably will!).Pages of specific techniques on how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STD’s; this is the most detailed analysis I’ve ever written on the subject. I go through literally every STD or common sexual infection, how it spreads, and how to avoid it.Two chapters on long-term roster management; I describe exactly how to mange the coming and going of a large number of women to keep you happy for ten years or longer.And a hell of a lot more.This is the most comprehensive book on nonmonogamous relationship management you will ever find.Who Does This Book Apply To?It is the third book in the Blackdragon Dating System series, and in the process, after the Ultimate Online Dating Manual (finding new women) and Get To Sex Fast (having sex with those new women quickly). This book is about how to maintain a long-term open (or polyamorous, which is different than open) relationship with new women once you’ve had sex with them at least twice. It directly applies to new relationships (WD’s), casual relationships (FB’s), serious relationships (MLTR’s), and emotionally exclusive relationships (OLTR’s).It does not specifically apply to relationships where you actually live together (that’s an entirely different topic for another book), though men who live with women can apply much of the book’s concepts and they will work. It does not apply to men seeking monogamous relationships, though I’ve been told by many monogamous men that my relationship techniques have helped them improve their relationships as well.It applies to dating women of all races and ages, and breaks out different techniques for women of different ages where it’s necessary. All the book’s techniques have been heavily field tested and will work anywhere in the Western world (US, Canada, Australia, Europe, etc.) as well as South America. (Some of its techniques will work in Asia, though some will not.) I can’t vouch for its effectiveness outside of these areas, but the majority of the techniques will at least help men in non-Western cultures.Completely updated for 2018, it’s been professionally typeset and has been reviewed by several professional editors and proofreaders. It is the same quality as The Unchained Man.


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