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Bob Bly – Talk for Money –

Bob Bly – Talk for Money – [5 CDs MP3 192 kbps]
[5 CDs MP3 192 kbps]



“Teach and Grow Rich”It’s true,if you know something of value to others … and can explain it to people in such a way that they understand what you are saying … you can make a small fortune by teaching what you know to others. By “teaching,” I don’t mean getting a job teaching at an elementary or high school somewhere. When I say “teaching,” I am talking about instructing grown men and women … mostly (but not exclusively) businesspeople in seminars, training classes, workshops, speeches, lectures, tele-seminars, Webinars, and other venues where adults go to learn new skills or otherwise improve their knowledge in a specific field of endeavor.Today we live in an information society. People need knowledge, wisdom, solutions, methods, and ideas to succeed at home or on the job. Others will pay you handsomely for that knowledge … provided you can deliver it in an entertaining and educational fashion. Talk for Money shows you step-by-step how to get regular “speaking gigs” at local colleges.Including:* Qualifications you need to teach adults at college-sponsored continuing education programs (hint: it’s NOT an advanced degree or prior teaching experience).* How to get your local college to sponsor the course you want to teach.* Money talks: how much can you earn speaking at college continuing education programs?* The average continuing education course has one class a week for 10 to 12 weeks. But here’s how you can do it all in just one day.* The “modular outline” method of creating — and preparing to teach — your first-ever college course.* Can you make money on the side selling your services and products to students? Should you?* How to “recycle” your continuing education course into books … audios … DVDs … private consulting … and other information products that can multiply your revenues from the program 10X or more.* The best things about teaching at a college … the worst … and how becoming a “continuing ed” instructor can advance your speaking career long after you’ve stopped teaching at the college.In Talk for Money, you will discover:* What association meeting planners are really looking for when searching for a speaker for their upcoming event (most speakers don’t have a clue).* When to charge your full fee for a talk … a discounted fee … and when (and why) you might want to do it for free.* Are your meeting talks canned or custom? If canned, how much customization and research do you do to tailor it to each group? And does your fee include research … preparation of the talk … handouts?* The awful truth about PowerPoint … whether you’ll be required to use it … and how to design a great slide presentation if you are.* How to save time and money when planning your travel itinerary for out-of-town speaking engagements.* An amazingly effective, perfectly legitimate, but little-known technique for ensuring that your audiences give you a stellar evaluation – every time. Plus: how to make the meeting planner so happy, she invites you back for a repeat performance.* How to get lucrative association speaking engagements — without ever asking for them.* Are “local venues” — like the Chamber of Commerce and Elk’s Club — a good market for fee-paid speakers?* The most difficult challenge you are likely to face when speaking at an association meeting … and how to handle it.* How much do you have to know about an industry or group to give an effective talk at their meeting? Shortcuts for gaining that background quickly and efficiently.* Tips for warming up an indifferent or hostile audience – and getting them on your side.More info:


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