Bobby Rio – Amplify the Attraction
Bobby Rio – Amplify The Attraction
[5 DVDs – MP4s , 5 CDs – MP3, 6 PDF]
Description“How To GRIP Her Attention…And Never Let it Go…”FINALLY… You Can LearnStep-by-Step And Word-for-Word TechniquesThat Trigger ‘Stalker Like’ Devotion… Gets Her‘Desperate’ to See You Again… and CreatesHEART… POUNDING… ATTRACTION…Hey manBut first, let me ask you something. And I want you to be honest with me…* Are you sick of talking to a girl, feelings like you are getting somewhere, but then her interest fades and nothing comes of the conversation?* Does it seem like you just can’t maintain the attraction… and at some point you keep losing her before you can get her out on a date with you?* Are you sick and tired of being seen as ‘the friend’ or having a girl tell you that she doesn’t see you in ‘that’ way?* Are you starting to feel like you are ‘not enough’ for women, and with all the other guys she has to choose from, you don’t know how to differentiate yourself… or why she would possibly choose you?* Do you feel boring as shit when you are around girls?* Do you get stuck at a ‘comfortable’ level with women and it never seems like you can cross that boundary between ‘friendly guy’ and guy she would have sex with?Why Not Keep “Amplifying” the Attraction?With this shift in thinking I began having a heck of a lot more fun talking to girls. Instead of fearing bars and clubs… I actually began looking forward to them. I was finally getting consistent results.And I wasn’t just getting phone numbers…I was getting dates… second dates… third dates… and yes, in a matter of months I went from having slept with only two girls… to having a phone full of girls I could call anytime for sex.As I continued to do it, I got better and better at the process until I eventually built a system. Let me tell you what it’s all about…Trigger the Attraction…The first thing you need to learn is: How to get a girl attracted to you.This will give you the power to hook up with the hottest girls in the bar, allow you to completely reverse a female friend’s opinion of you… to the point she has to have you. And makes it so much more fun to go to bars, clubs, and parties… cause you’ll be surrounded by girls, and you’ll know, that you can take the one you want by the hand, and lead her anywhere you want…and she’ll follow.Control the Attraction…The Second Thing You Need to Learn is: How to keep the woman’s interest.This way when you spark attraction…. You don’t blow it 5 minutes later… and have to start from scratch all over again. When you know how to keep flipping the attraction switches… you can keep a girl around for months… even years… and still be sleeping with other girls… and she’ll wait for you.And then you need to…Amplify the Attraction…The Final Thing You Need to Learn is: How to escalate that attraction.Never again worry about boring her, or losing her interest… as you are going to learn how to ignite a woman’s desire to chase you. Once you flip that switch in her mind… you never have to worry about her flaking out… cooling off… or becoming attracted to some other guy… you will own her.
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