Bobby Rio – Motivated To Approach
Bobby Rio – Motivated To Approach
[4 DVDs – MP4]
Motivated to ApproachApprox. 3 hours Video TrainingI created this program because I know that for some of you it’s not fear or nervousness preventing you from approaching girls… its laziness and lack of motivation.In this video program you’ll learn:· 12 tricks to immediately motivate yourself to walk up to a woman and start a conversation· How to overcome procrastination… this probably costs you more girls than anything else… and once you learn this you’ll quickly see the amount of phone numbers, dates, and hookups you get go through the roof.· The ‘In Media Rest’ Opening style… this is pretty much the only way I open anymore… and it makes approaching women so freaken easy…· 2 Fool-Proof Practice Methods: Most guys never learn this because they don’t get out there and practice. You’re going to learn two scientifically proven ways to practice that ensure you put into use everything you learn… and begin to consistently spark conversations with women…· And much more… this is pretty much a crash course on turning you into an APPROACH MACHINE…Credit Goes To The Peeps on
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