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Bony to Beastly – The Muscle-Building Program for Skinny Guys

[3 eBook – PDF, 86 videos – MP4]


This is an exclusive to Do not upload elsewhere.Product Page: Copy:How to naturally gain 20-30 pounds* of muscle in 90 days. Go from skinny to sculpted.This isn’t a fad or an angle, a trick or a pill. We’ve assembled everything us ectomorphs need to build beastly muscles, bear-like strength, and superhuman health.Here’s what you get:Bony to Beastly — The eBookThe fundamentals of building strong functional muscle as an ectomorph through solid strength training and nutrition. (We touch on health, too.)Highlights:- Use the insulin sensitivity created by proper strength training to cram specific muscle-building nutrients into your muscles, allowing them to grow as quickly as possible. This sounds like marketing mumbo-jumbo, but it destroys skinniness like no other.- Stimulate your muscles in a functional and targeted way for maximum hypertrophy (of course).- Combine hypertrophy training, heavy strength training, and spinal loading to produce as many masculinizing and growth hormones as you possibly can.- Bulletproof your body by building bone density, tendon strength, joint health, stabilizer muscles, functional strength, and proper alignment. This is Marco’s passion in life, and he knows this stuff inside and out.- Recover from training and build muscle more quickly by taking advantage of the vitamins and minerals found in everyday whole foods. Your diet will still look kind of normal, but you’ll be getting way more muscle out of it. (And superhuman health.)- Learn which foods naturally stimulate higher secretions of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1.- How to use supplements that actually work for ectomorphs trying to build muscle, create your own super-supplements by combining your own ingredients to save money and control what’s in it, and why most supplements are a total waste of money for someone in our situation.The Training ProgramOur training goal? Pack muscle onto you as quickly as humanly possible.Now, in order to do this we need to approach this a little differently, as us ectomorphs are a rare breed. A one-size-fits-all bodybuilding approach isn’t the right solution for us.There’s another factor to consider as well. By putting a slight emphasis on certain muscle groups you can create a more powerful looking physique. One of the reasons actors are able to make such impressive transformations isn’t because they gain a lot of weight, it’s because they gain a lot of weight in the right places.How?By emphasizing the posterior chain (the muscles along your spine) you can quickly develop a thick, strong, wide back with strong traps and broad shoulders. Studies have found that this muscle group is rated as the most attractive by women. It also contributes the most to real (and perceived) strength and develops the strong masculine “V” taper.The back muscles work in conjunction with the biceps in most major pulling lifts, like the chin up, meaning that this protocol will also result in the largest possible bicep growth. Not a bad bonus.On that note, us ectomorphs often have incredibly lanky arms. It isn’t our fault—they’re just really damn long. We need to approach arm training a little bit differently in order to get maximum growth.This may make it sound like we’re neglecting other muscle groups, like the legs and the chest, but this isn’t the case. Full body muscle growth is what we’re training for. We’re simply putting a slight emphasis on the areas that will give us the most impressive physiques.In fact, since the chest is the “agonist” of the back muscles, we also have to put in a fair bit of work there. For many guys this is actually why their chest is small in the first place—because of weak back muscles and stiff contracted pecs caused by years of desk work.And the best way to stimulate growth hormone secretions is with heavy spinal loading, which is accomplished through heavy squatting and deadlifting. Us ectomorphs have a problem here, because starting out we can’t lift heavy enough to get the muscle-building benefits. It’s a chicken and egg problem. The solution? We use simpler variations (at first) that allow us to lift heavier, more frequently, and with a greater hormonal response.We factored all of this into the exercises selection, rep ranges, volume, tempo—everything. Hell, even the rest times between exercises are geared towards giving you an impressive physique.We have it all clearly organized phase by phase on easy to use sheets that you can print out and take to the gym with you. Write in your results week by week, track your strength gains, and grow like a beast.The Muscle-Building Recipe BookWhat good is understanding nutrition if you still don’t know what foods to eat or how to prepare them?Jared and I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to eat when we first started, and not surprisingly, considering most recipe books don’t care what effect their recipes have on your physique and your health. The recipes that do take your health into consideration are usually targeted at people trying to lose weight—not all that helpful for us ectomorphs!Most foods are a pain in the ass to prepare, too. The trick to leading a healthy lifestyle and building muscle like a champ is figuring out how to make it simple and enjoyable.Want to cook up a huge pot of stew that you can divide up into portions and eat all week long? Want to whip up a batch of healthy homemade protein bars that you can toss in your bag and bring to school/work with you? Want delicious muscle-building meal ideas for dates and family dinners? Want to know exactly what to eat before bed to get peak testosterone production? We’ve even got tasty desserts that help you pack on muscle.We’re normal guys. We like to eat hamburgers, steaks, chicken fingers and fruit smoothies. But we know how to tweak these foods so that they give us the results we want.To make things easier on you we also calculated out the calories, protein/carb/fat breakdown and explain the main muscle-building and health benefits of the meals.Training VideosI remember one of the first conversations I had with Marco about strength training went something like this:Me: Well we’re skinny, so I figure we’re not lifting that much weight, so our chances of injury are small, right? I mean if a powerlifter can bench 500 pounds with shoddy form, I shouldn’t be too worried about mine, right?Marco: What?! No! Ah! You’re an ectomorph with long limbs, a small bone structure, and low levels of musculature—you’re an injury waiting to happen!!! Ectomorphs need to pay attention to form more than anyone until they’ve built some muscle mass! … wait, why aren’t you lifting much weight?Oops.Besides, there are a dozen ways to do each lift with a variety of different outcomes: conditioning, explosive strength, cardiovascular health, fat loss, improving nutrient delivery, developing a pump, toning (wasting time), building endurance, specific sports performance, strength, bodybuilding, fast twitch muscle growth, slow twitch muscle growth, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, myofibrillar hypertrophy, etc. Most guys in the gym asked a friend or youtubed someone doing the exercise, having no idea what that person’s goals were, or even if that person had any idea what they’re doing to begin with.We make it simple: lift like this, grow like a beast.Program Price:$197


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