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Bracer Jack – Law of Attraction The Technical Manual Book 1

[1 ebook – 1 pdf]



Bracer Jack – Law of Attraction The Technical Manual Book 1This book was primarily written for the sake of getting a burden off my chest thatemerged when I was only 15 years of age.Everything in this book is a by-product of what happened.You could say that chapter one is really the main reason why I even wanted to writethis book.I couldn’t hold the burden of keeping this secret life of mine anymore and as aresolution, I have decided to let it out so that I can live my life.Please understand that the conversations I have with Omega, my imaginary friendare recalled and reconstructed from memory to allow for the usage of English asopposed to Chinese, my native language, to tell the story.The essence of our communication is primarily telepathy, though he did speak to meoften through visions and imageries.I have left out and restructured some of the things he said to best convey what I feelhe is really telling me, but as I grew wiser in time, I might understand it at a deeperlevel than what I am currently able to put into words at this point.Chapter One: How It All Got StartedChapter Two: Mr. MoneyChapter Three: The Purpose of All There IsChapter Four: The Free Ride Chapter Five: Chaos Theory Chapter Six: Our Sand Boxed Universe Chapter Seven: Law of Attraction: Base MechanismChapter Eight: Interferometric Nature of Projection Waves Chapter Nine: For the Lesser Mind Chapter Ten: The Gates of Opportunity Opens Chapter Eleven: Manifestation Time StampChapter Twelve: The Smart Aleck Syndrome66 pages.Book two here.


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