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Brad Yates – Love Beyond Belief-EFT Seminar

Brad Yates – Love Beyond Belief
[5 MP3]



It is now time for you to attract a Love Beyond Belief! The Love Beyond Belief  program contains ALL of these hour-long audio sessions: SESSION ONE AUDIO “There’s Nothing Wrong Here” – In this call, we will clear up the feeling that there is something wrong with being single. Such a thought creates desperation – and who wants to use the Law of Attraction radiating desperation? Clearing that creates the freedom to attract a healthy relationship.SESSION TWO AUDIO: “Clearing Up the Relationship Baggage” – Sometimes it is hard to create a relationship because, well, you aren’t really single. While you may have technically ended a relationship, you are likely still in relationship energetically – probably with many if not all of the people you’ve dated in the past. Time to make room for that new relationship by purging the past. SESSION THREE AUDIO: The third file is here: “Worthy Of Love” – The extent to which we do not experience something we say we want is the extent to which we are resisting it. Some of the biggest resistance comes from a misconception that we aren’t worthy or deserving of that which we desire. Allow yourself the chance to know how magnificent you are – worthy and deserving of love and every other good thing this Universe has to offer. WEEK FOUR AUDIO: “Manifesting Love” – Having cleared the block, it is time to activate the Law of Attraction to create the relationship you truly desire. WEEK FIVE AUDIO: Bonus Follow Up Call – We have added in an extra full session with a bonus follow up call for Love Beyond BeliefBrad Yates is an expert on EFT and has done programs in collaboration with Joe VitaleEnjoy


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