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Brendan Nichols – Become a Wealth Magnet

Brendan Nichols – Become a Wealth Magnet
[9 CDs – 9 MP3s + 2 PDFs]]


Quote:Become A Wealth Magnet.  Brendan Nichols.  This is a practical CD course, it will change your life for the better.9 CDÆs, a Manual of The Transcripts of the CDÆs and seminar manual.  $795 retail.Here’s some of the notes I’ve started making on my second listen through… (there is way more than written here though, listen for yourself)There is nothing worse than feeling resentful because of not living the life that I want.To get rich, I have to DO SOMETHING, it can’t just happen metaphysically.Make the most of the time I have left, I don’t want to die with any regrets at all.  Whatever I want to do, do it right now.  And money helps, a lot.Discover my personal psychological success drivers, decide if I need to re-prioritize or change them… YES(page 23)DO THIS EXERCISE *BEFORE* LISTENING TO THE PSYCOLOGICAL SUCCESS DRIVERS, RESULTS.  STOP THE MP3 AND DO THE PSYCOLOGICAL SUCCESS DRIVERS EXERCISE ON PAGE 23.*** You will learn a LOT about yourself doing this one exercise *** I must engage in the most productive task possible to make myself profitable and successful.Make a 5 year plan, then figure out how to do it all now, THIS YEAR!micro saboteurs- constantly checking emails, IM’s, tweets.- making myself available to everyone (phone)- Donald Trump says email is for wimps.  – Use the phone to develop a better personal relationship than email.Get clear on why I do everything.  Plus… (from Brendan Nichols website)        * How to overcome and avoid the fatal mistakes that keep people struggling and in poverty.    * The Absolutely Crucial Technique you must use to work less hours and make more money. This rarely used and little know technique is what every Big Money Earner uses to rake in more cash with more ease.    * The 18 Major Sabotage Patterns that destroy your ability to make money û absolutely essential information!    * How to have a gigantic financial breakthrough and raise the roof on your income ceiling.    * The characteristics and behaviours of people that make a lot of money.    * The 3 simple differences between the rich and the poor. Anyone that does not know these will continue to struggle.    * How to focus your time and get extraordinary results in the minimum amount of time. Discover the secrets of why some people make extraordinary amounts of money in a short period.    * How to annihilate your debts and move into the positive cash zone, once and for all.    * The 10 Psychological Success Drivers and understanding which ones will allow you to generate big money.    * The 12 Laws of Money Attraction. A revolutionary formula that can create huge financial results in your life.    * How to liberate yourself from the core emotion that blocks your path in attracting money.    * The stunning 3 part formula that can quickly and easily change your beliefs and turn you into a money magnet.    * The key strategy that allows wealth and money to flow to you.    * The Revolutionary ôMidas Touch Principlesö that allow you to experience the core mental and emotional states that is essential to attract more money. This information is a total breakthrough and worth the cost of the course alone!    * Exploding those ôflakeyö myths around money creation and showing you what the rich REALLY do and believe.    * The keys to working smart instead of hard and how it can cut down on work and actually make your more money.    * The 7 Money Repellent Principles that will completely cripple your ability to make big money.    * The 4 types of Activity that produce money and the 2 that are vastly superior in becoming wealthy.    * The actual language the rich use that the poor do not û how to change your vocabulary to have more money.    * The little known, single emotional positioning that determines your ability to have financial freedom.    * Why a lot of extremely good, moral people are dead broke. Do not fall into this trap!    * How to massively accelerate the amount of money you make.


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