Brent Baum – Holographic Memory Trauma Technique
Brent Baum
[2 CDs – 15 MP3s]
Brent Baum – HMR-Holographic Memory ResolutionTechniques for Resolving Trauma in Body, Mind and Spirit (This is the result of a GB here:)Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR) is a remarkable technique that efficiently, painlessly and permanently resolves emotional blocks that may be preventing the full enjoyment of a healthy, fulfilling and abundant life.HMR® was developed by trauma resolution specialist Brent Baum over 15 years, working with more than 11,000 trauma survivors from the Oklahoma City bombing, the terrorist attack on 9/11, victims of sexual abuse, torture and more. Our bodies have natural protective mechanisms that create an altered state of consciousness when we suffer stress and trauma, “capturing” and preserving the pain as a protective act. Painful experiences are stored in our subconscious and our body until we feel safe and ready to deal with them. However, the longer we let them go, the more likely they are to create physical problems as well as emotionally distorted ways of viewing and acting in the world – perceptions we often aren’t even aware of that hold us back from living authentically and maintaining a calm and peaceful state of mind. HMR® is a body-mind technique that allows simple, easy access to past memories and the release and resolution of associated painful emotions, without having to re-live them. The technique begins with energy work, inducing a light meditative trance that allows the conscious mind to relax and that gently opens a very safe window into the subconscious. Guided visualization creates a self-healing process that reveals the history of a problem, pattern or illness, and resolves the attached emotions. Concluding energy work “locks in” positive changes to the subconscious, the body, and the energy field. The client directs the healing at all times, choosing what he or she would like to address and resolve – physical issues, obsessive thoughts, recurring troublesome emotions. The process is profoundly empowering to clients, who often feel released from problems that may have been plaguing them for decades, and who start seeing the world and their life in a new and confident way. About Brent BaumBrent Baum’s development of Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR), founded on the principles of Quantum Physics, has led to his involvement internationally in crisis intervention. Working with survivors, family members, and rescue personnel of the Oklahoma City bombing, Brent’s work bridged into intervention with airline crisis team members addressing the aftermath of TWA Flight 800. He also worked with survivors and rescue personnel from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. Holographic Memory Resolution® is a client-centered, body-centered non-traumatizing approach which resolves “frozen” feelings held in the bodymind. Understanding the human body to be a system of coordinated energy patterns that are in continual motion, Brent views disease as resulting from inhibitions in the flow of energy. HMR teaches mastery of those states of consciousness that compromise the flow of energy in the bodymind and result in disease and imbalance. This gifted therapist and teacher developed his approach, in part, through his highly developed intuitive abilities, which enabled him to locate and monitor the release of pain from the nerve centers of the body. By focusing on strategies that prompted the release of the painful encoding induced through trauma, he was able to refine this approach for his clients who were seeking release from emotional and physical imprints of trauma. He views his role as that of facilitator and catalyst, empowering clients to achieve their own resolution and healing. An internationally recognized instructor, trauma resolution specialist, and psychotherapist, Brent perceives life as more than chemistry and biophysics, and healing as more than treating symptoms. 2 CDs [/b[b] Thanx for making this GB happenThis GB is now completed and closed
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