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Brent Smith – How To Get A Girlfriend In Ten Days Or Less

How To Get A Girlfriend In Ten Days Or Less
[1 AUDIO – MP3]


Description will learn:1. Why doing absolutely no work, while spending no money or time is how to build massive attraction that will be your secret weapon2. Why traditional dates will never work and why women even hate them3. Why women go out and use it to your advantage4. Why women want to pursue you and how to have them do it5. How to text a girl to get her to come to your place consistently6. Specific texts to send (and not send) to help you get her coming back for more7. Why keeping your emotions in check will lead you to success8. How to eliminate anxiety and panicky feelings when approaching women9. The critical steps of inner work that need to be done to be successful with women (and how to use to build a sexy, seductive vibe, along with building unbreakable confidence)10. The most common mistakes guys consistently make and how avoiding them can make you stand out from every other guy (for example: learning why taking a woman’s phone number is paramount to death for your chances for sex).11. What to say and what to do, along with where to go, to meet women and how to give out your phone number12. How to banter successfully? (Did you just ask to be my girlfriend?13. How you can leave with a woman immediately from any location, at any time14. How to stop her from flaking on her for additional “dates”15. How to stop getting put in the “friend zone” and make her your girlfriend16. What to do when you get her home (or back to her place)17. What to say and do after you hook-up with her18. What to do to have her coming back for more, and more…including begging to be your girlfriend


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