Brian David Phillips – Speed Hypnosis Techniques
Brian David Phillips – Speed Hypnosis Techniques – 6 DVDs (2008)
[6 DVD – Rips]
This new exclusive material is part of the Speed Hypnosis group buy.This group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: Hypnosis TechniquesAuthor: Brian David PhillipsPublished: 2008Description: 6 DVDs ripped to .AVI.SPEED HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES Secrets of Faster, Faster, Fastest Hypnotic Inductions for Anyplace, Anytime, Anytrance 11+ Hours on 6 DVDsHere it is, by popular demand! We finally allowed a video camera into one of our much-sought-after Speed Hypnosis Techniques seminars and it wasn’t just any video camera. This comprehensive course was filmed with high quality equipment by professional videographers.Speed Hypnosis Techniques: The real secrets of the truly fast, faster and fastest hypnosis inductions ever!!!Special Comprehensive Course in Hypnosis and Instant and Rapid Hypnosis for Anyplace, Anytime, and Any trance (Clinic, Classroom, Club, Stage, Street, Walkabout, Anywhere) Secrets of Fast, Faster, Fastest Hypnotic TechniquesWelcome to one of the most comprehensive and intensive seminars in Speed Hypnosis Techniques: Hypnosis and Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Techniques you can find. In this seminar, you will learn the real secrets of the truly fast, faster, fastest hypnosis inductions around. The hand may be quicker than the eye, but in this course, you will learn how deep trance can be attained quicker than the hand, the eye, or the suggestion of hypnosis itself.Start off with the building blocks to hypnosis and then move forward into more advanced rapid and creative techniques.Learn the Characteristics and Parts of Instant and Rapid Hypnosis Inductions, the real secrets that allow you to use any induction in a rapid or instant context. You will learn, practice, and master over thirty speed hypnosis techniques. What will you learn in this seminar? * HYPNOSIS AND CONTEXTS AND MORE * IMAGINATIVE SUGGESTIBILITY GAMES AS HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS * HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS * WORKHORSE RAPID HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS * INSTANT and RAPID HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS * DEEPENERS CONVERSIONS * TRANCE DEPTH TESTING * WALKABOUT TRANCE APPROACHES AND OPENERS * WALKABOUT TRANCE CONTEXT NOTES * TRANCE PHENOMENA UTILIZATION * HYPNOSIS/TRANCE TECHNIQUES And more!Enjoy OVER ELEVEN HOURS OF VIDEO that offers complete instruction in speed hypnosis and much, much more.This video course covers all aspects of speed hypnosis and qualifies as a Video-Based Distance Education option for SPEED HYPNOSIS SPECIALIZATION. The author does not include or offer the manual seen in the video.The website for this material is at: group buy is still open and the forum is listed at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ganimed for starting this group buy and to everyone who supported the Speed Hypnosis group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute These are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen
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