Brian Kim – How To FINALLY Find What You Love To Do And Get Paid For Doing It
Brian Kim – How To FINALLY Find What You Love To Do And Get Paid For Doing It
[3 PDFs]
How You Can FINALLY, ONCE AND FOR ALL, Find What You Love to Do AND Get Paid For Doing It!We’ve all heard it a million times in a million different ways. “Find what you love to do.” “Pursue your passion.” “Find work you enjoy doing.” And as cliche as all this advice sounds, it makes perfect sense. Work makes up a majority of your life so it only makes sense to do the work you like doing and to get paid for doing it as well. Every successful man or woman has advocated this simple truth. When the author of the bestselling book “Freakonomics” Stephen J. Dubner interviewed billionaire Mark Cuban, he asked him the following question: Q: “What is the one thing that you personally believe is the true secret to success?” A: “Find what you love to do and be the best you can be at it. Simple, right???” – Mark Cuban Yes Mark. Simple indeed. But simple when you hear it – NOT so simple when you actually try to do it in real life. It’s advice people hear all the time, but rarely get any concrete guidance on HOW to go about EXACTLY doing it.
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