Brian Phillips-Gentle Rapid Hypnosis Inductions (1 flv video)
Brian Phillips-Gentle Rapid Hypnosis Inductions
This is actually a video recorded for the Hypnosis Summit in 2009, and it’s about 60 minutes long.It’s based on a DVD called GENTLE SPEED HYPNOSISGentle Approaches to Instant and Rapid Hypnotic Inductions The GENTLE SPEED HYPNOSIS paradigm covers some of the same material found in other Speed Hypnosis products with an emphasis on how to perform the inductions within a gentle context. Some folks have the mistaken belief that speed hypnosis inductions must employ physical or emotional shocks. This program explains and demonstrates a number of very non-aggressive variants of instant and rapid hypnosis inductions. The material is explained and demonstrated with several examples. [/url][url]
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