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Bruce Kumar Frantzis – Qigong for Lifelong Health

Bruce Kumar Frantzis – Qigong for Lifelong Health.TP
[2 CD – 25 MP3]


Does your mind wander all over the place? Does your body fidget when you try to practice Standing? In CD-1, Lineage Master Bruce Frantzis helps you focus on correcting your body alignments and releasing negative emotions. Standing is the foundation of Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body chi gung/qigong and many other chi gung sets.In CD-2, Frantzis guides you through the complete Energy Gates program including Standing chi gung, Cloud Hands, the Three Swings, and the unique Taoist Spine Stretch—particularly useful for those with back injuries.Bruce Kumar FrantzisBruce Frantzis is a Taoist Lineage  Master with over 40 years of experience in  Eastern healing systems. He is the first knownWesterner to hold authentic lineages in qigong, bagua, tai chi, hsing-i and Taoist meditation. He has taught these Taoist energy arts to more than 20,000 students. Dr. Frantzis trained for over a decade in China and also has extensive experience in Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, yoga, Kundalini, energy healing therapies and Taoist Fire and Water traditions.


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