Burt Goldman – The American Monk – Intuitive Healing Guide
Intuitive Healing
[6 mp3]
The American Monk – Intuitive Healing GuideThe Complete Guide From Soul to CellIt will teach you how to alleviate any ailment, prevent sickness and consistently enjoy a feeling of well-being with an abundance of physical and mental energy.Enjoy!Module 1: Holistic Health, Happiness and You * Humanity’s search for youth and immortality is as old as time – what worked, and what didn’t. * Think you know your facts? — Health & medicine myths busted. * The conflicting story of “unhealthy” great composer and pianist Eubie Blake vs “healthy” fitness author Jim Fixx. Who lived longer, and why — what doctors won’t tell you. * Understanding the role your five senses play towards your health. * PLUS: Embrace the “Zorba Appetite” for life and instantly see an improvement in your health AND happiness. * And much more.Module 2: Bridging Soul to Cell * Perfect Health in a Capsule – the one power word your mind must digest to achieve perfect health. * Connecting your emotional well being and your physical health. * Mental and emotional states that attract bad health: Which one are you guilty of? * Warning Bells: How you can catch the first sign of illness that even the best doctors and equipment can’t diagnose. * PLUS: Mastering the magical gateway that opens your mind to control your health. * And much more.Module 3: Healthy Behavior Change * Sickness is not random: Find the real reasons for your illnesses. * How past events in your life affect your health. * The key mindset to overcome impending negative health. * Empower your health with this effective self-healing Replacement Technique. * PLUS: How to reach, and use, the spiritual plane to achieve tip-top health. * And much more.Module 4: Become a Healer * Learn the three key characteristics all healers have so you can heal yourself, and others, even remotely. * A visualization technique to easily tap into the energy behind healing. * Recognizing mistakes that hinder healing… and how to avoid it. * An energy healing technique you can start practicing on anyone today. * PLUS: An insider secret of how to heal even the most stubborn person. * And much more.BONUS MODULE 5: Prevent and Fight Disease * A meditation exercise specially designed to help you with current ailments. * An Alpha Level technique to enhance your immune system and protect yourself from future health vulnerabilities. * Using the power of your mind to recharge and restore every cell of your body. * Finding balance to grow the healing energy within yourself. * PLUS: Tips on how to use meditation daily for a new sense of good health. * And much more.EARLY BIRD SPECIAL BONUSSecret Module 6: Healthy Soul * The “When All Else Fails” technique that is like a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. * Easily get even the most stubborn illness out of your mind and body. * Train the mind to trigger chemical responses for accelerated healing. * Simple visualization method to kick-start the domino effect of positive benefits. * BONUS BENEFIT: This specially tailored technique will also instantly lift your spirits and boost your happiness.Enjoy
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